I had an ablation for SVT 6 months ago after being told for over 2 years by my GP that my palpitations were due to my underactive thyroid. I was told by my cardiologist straight after the procedure that it was unsuccessful, as they were still able to trigger an abnormal heart rhythm, but were unable to see the source. A stress test on my heart has confirmed this, as it triggered an episode of SVT of 260bpm for around 15 mins.
Since my ablation, I have suffered from the most horrendous anxiety, like post traumatic stress or something. I have been to a&e twice with chest pains/shaking only to be told on both occasions that I have been having an anxiety attack. I sit there constantly thinking about my heart, and aware of every little move it makes. It has totally taken over my life, even though I no longer suffer from regular SVT episodes like before. In a way I feel I had a better quality of life when I was more symptomatic as I was unaware of my problem. Also for the past 6 weeks or so, I have seen an increase in skipped beats like my heart is jumping all the time. Some days I don't get any, other times it feels like it's every other beat.
I'm becoming frequently frustrated with everything at the moment. I was supposed to be seeing my cardiologist to discuss my next steps/2nd ablation on 27th sept but my appointment has been delayed till 17th October so I'm in limbo until then.
Anyone else had a similar experience?