I am now aged 66, always seem to have had a pigeon chest [pectus carinatum], but could that have been a condition formed from effects of Meningitis when aged 10?
I had Meningitis when aged 10, could a Pi... - Healthy Evidence
I had Meningitis when aged 10, could a Pigeon chest [pectus carinatum] be an offshoot of it?

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Jump to repliesMeningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection.
So in theory it could, actually had my lungs and breathing tested the other day, old rib cage injury, I was normal🤗 I don't remember much about it, I was put in isolation ward 56 years ago, two of us about the same age in adjoining wooden isolation wards, with glass windows in them, throwing comics at each other over the walls! Thanks piglette that explains a lot, so probably born without pectus carinatum🕵️♂️ my parents died 20 years ago so I could not ask them!👍
I had polio when I was at school and I remember they had to keep us very cool. There were around six of us caught it and it was freezing. Luckily it was non paralytic. We had things called bazookas which were free in the cornflake packets which we used to blow at each other.
Thanks piglette I believe that is how I got pectus carinatum, one of my sister's agrees with the 'diagnosis', chest is now a bit of a mess, at least lung capability is normal, all the smoking, only for six years, did not affect me, as my chiropractor told me all my ribs have been broken at some time, they keep refracturing or dislocating, so my exercising is now limited, I wish I could stick them permanently together [duck tape or super glue🥴🥴]