I just wanted to ask if any one could advise on Worldwide 0 2 drops . I have bowel problems.
Osteperosis 4 broken vertebrae.
Drops have been recommended by my holistic healer
I just wanted to ask if any one could advise on Worldwide 0 2 drops . I have bowel problems.
Osteperosis 4 broken vertebrae.
Drops have been recommended by my holistic healer
Comments on 02 drops please
I think a diet that concetrates on good bowel movements and keeping your bones strong would be a lot better for you.
As stated above, steer clear of any "wonder drug" with miraculous claims but less or no research to back it.
I'd be wary of your healer too, but if you have confidence in your healer then it okay. I'd say just seek a second opinion by another Doctor.
Concerned, You write,that Oxygen causes aging - worrying for those of us who rely on our Oxygen tubes 24/7. Who has said this ? I'm rather worried and expect many others on the HU Site are too. PLEASE, can you elaborate a bit more ? Many thanks.
Thanks for tour reply Concerned.