Brunch Time 😋☀️❤️🌺: I usually skip... - Healthy Eating

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Brunch Time 😋☀️❤️🌺

44 Replies

I usually skip breakfast and have brunch instead. I love light meal with plenty of vegetables. I am pescatarian so I don’t consume animal meat. I don’t eat much for dinner, either vegetable soup or a sandwich (peanut butter and jelly with slice bananas or tuna and egg sandwich).

Today I had vermicelli noodles (rice noodles) with air fried shrimp paste tofu, green onion, fresh herbs, bean sprouts, cucumber, peanuts, pickled daikon and carrots with dipping fish sauce. It is one of my favorite dishes.

Dessert: one apple and a cup of ginger tea with a spoon of honey. ❤️

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44 Replies
Kainan profile image

Dang that looks delicious and so healthy! “Air fried shrimp paste tofu?” That’s something else! 😂

in reply toKainan

Hey Kainan, you’re just in time for koko’s brunch. 😂 Air fried shrimp paste tofu and egg rolls are my mom’s specialities 🤣😂 which are my unlimited supplies 😁👍

Kainan profile image
Kainan in reply to

Looks so good 🤤you know it’s one of those meals that won’t knock you down right afterwards 🤣🤣

in reply toKainan

Thank you Kainan. Never knock you down 🙅‍♀️🤣😂. What did you have for lunch/dinner? 😁

Kainan profile image
Kainan in reply to

Rice pilaf green beans and a fried egg

in reply toKainan

Hmm which category food is this? 🤔

Kainan profile image
Kainan in reply to

A little bit of everything

in reply toKainan

I like variety in my meal. Enjoy your dinner Kainan 😁👍

ZazenRiver345 profile image

Beautiful meal. Your meals are always so colorful and full of nutrition🤗. No oreos or junk like that🙅🏻‍♂️😂. I admire how you take such extraordinary care of your being and body🙏.

in reply toZazenRiver345

Thank you Zazen. 😊🙏 Definitely no overloaded with Oreos and junks 🙅‍♀️as we know it affects mental health and increases the chance of having type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and aging. Awe I think you take very good care of yourself being vegan also. 😁👍❤️

Hb2003 profile image

Looks yummy 😋

TheAwfulToad profile image

um ... you do know fish are animals, right? :)

in reply toTheAwfulToad

If by the definition of “the flesh of animals as used for food” then yes fish is meat. And if it’s not warm blooded, but cold blooded like fish then it’s not meat. 😊

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToad in reply to

hmmm. Interesting workaround, but I suspect the fish has his own views on the matter ;)

I'm just teasing you, btw. You're entitled to eat whatever you please. My personal objection to meat-eating has nothing to do with what is and is not meat, but the disgraceful way in which animals are raised and killed.

in reply toTheAwfulToad

Let’s see would it help if I don’t own any aquatic fish as pet? 😂

in reply toTheAwfulToad

I know you are teasing me 😂🤣. Same here, part of the reason I changed to pescatarian since the beginning of this year because I can’t bare the thought of animal cruelty. 😔

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToad in reply to

It's a challenge for many people to resolve the conflict between the fact that we are carnivores/predators that need animal protein, and the fact that we also have empathy with other creatures and do not wish them harm.

My personal solution is to raise animals (only chickens, so far) in a way that gives them a better deal than they'd get from nature. They are protected, they have all the food and range space that they could want, they can do everything that chickens enjoy doing, and they can do it, on average, for longer than they would in the wild (which could be anywhere from zero to five years depending on luck). The tradeoff is that they eventually get eaten.

The economics of free-range chickens is interesting, because egg-laying hens in particular are worth more alive than dead for about three years (cockerels, not so much - but then again cockerels tend to have a shorter lifespan in the wild too). So my solution seems to work for me and for the chickens. Is it "right"? I don't know, but I'm happy with it.

in reply toTheAwfulToad

I like your solution. I think it comes down to consumers’ choice. There’s supply and demand. If all consumers choose to purchase free ranged eggs and a good control policy, farmers will have no choice but have chicken raised free ranged. However, there are people I am not so sure for whatever reason they don’t care about buying free ranged, organic eggs and go for any type of eggs. This brings me back to memory that my grandparents raised chickens in their backyard/garden for eggs and collected them every morning. They are small and delicious eggs. 😊

in reply to

We choose free range eggs ourselves but I do understand why some people opt for caged hens. If you are on a low income and are struggling to make ends meet, perhaps you have children, you have to do what you have to do. Sometimes it is not about choice, it is about survival. My wife and I have been there ourselves and it isn't a nice place to be.

TheAwfulToad profile image
TheAwfulToad in reply to

It's a pity that the supermarkets exploit the situation to put massive markups on naturally-raised eggs; the reality is that they cost about the same to produce as eggs from caged hens. The reason is that a hen on range is producing other economic outputs (manure and labour) in addition to its egg output. In the caged model, those two outputs are considered a problem to be managed away, rather than an asset that goes on the bottom line.

In fact caged hens are hopelessly inefficient producers; the only reason they appear to be cheaper is that governments intervene to sweep various costs under the rug, while people raising hens naturally face various complex hurdles to get their product to market.

in reply toTheAwfulToad

Hi TheAwfulToad I think it’s up to us what dietary regime we choose and many people are pescatarians so each to their own please.

To me this is a healthy and wholesome brunch and that’s what counts.

Your brunch looks really good Koko especially with rice noodles all very wholesome. 😊

in reply to

Thank you Jerry. 😊🙏

Matt2584 profile image


Like you, I skip breakfast too and have brunch instead.

Fasting for longer is better for you anyhow. It cleanses the body, so i’ve heard :).

But anyhow, I don’t leave out what I eat for breakfast cos I love it.

I put rolled oats, half a banana, dates, alternative milk, lions mane coffee, sea salt and a bit of wheatgrass extract, hemp or chia seeds into a blender/Nutribullet and whizz that up.

Tastes lovely.

Then after I make a soup.

I put carrots, leek, home grown salad (either red leaf lettuce ’lollo’, celery, spinach, celeriac, pak choy or kale), wheatgrass extract, hemp or chia seeds into a blender/Nutribullet. Whizz it up. Put it in the microwave. Take it out and add sea salt to it. Sprinkle nutritional flakes on top as a garnish.

It’s yummy :).

in reply toMatt2584

Thank you Matt2584 for sharing with me your wonderful choices of breakfast and snacks. I love it how it’s absolutely alright to skip breakfast and go for brunch. 😁👍I do wheatgrass shots with a slice of orange in the end helps with the flavor. I am not familiar with incorporating hemp into my juicing. 🤔 My Blendtec is my best friend as juicer and smoothie lover 😂 I can have soup everyday and usually I have vegetable soup for dinner, tasty, healthy, so quick and easy. 😋 How wonderful you have homegrown salad. I live in the city so space is so limited to make that happens. I so admire your diet, so health consciousness. Happy Friday Matt! 😊🙏🌺

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Personally, I used to think you HAD to have breakfast as soon as you got up.I actually think now that the days when I was a kid (80s/90s), life was a bit strict.

But these days life can be a bit more relaxed... it’s a shame I’m no longer a kid though.... well, a big kid at heart, I guess :).

So for me, if I wasn’t going to school then breakfast would probably be around 10am, which is a bit late for some.

And I know you are told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day BUT is it really?

I was having this conversation earlier today.

At the end of the day though I think a person should eat when they want to eat and not make life so regimental and eat at certain hours (6am for breakfast, 12pm for lunch, 5pm for dinner).

I don’t mind the taste of wheatgrass so much but then again I think it depends really on what brand you get.

I got one brand of wheatgrass by Sevenhills that I got from Amazon and on the pack it said the wheatgrass was grown in Europe and I could stir that into water ok and it tasted nice too.

BUT, Sevenhills also sell another kind of wheatgrass that grows in New Zealand and I found that doesn’t stir into water very well and tastes a bit different too.

As you live in the city and have limited space, have you ever thought about vertical gardening?

It’s growing a number of plants in one small space, very handy for people in apartment buildings :).

Well, I’m not massively health conscious. I mean, I was eating Cadbury’s chocolate earlier on :).

Most of the time, I don’t eat Cadbury’s chocolate but it was my birthday on the 2nd of this month so I have an excuse... I’m celebrating :).

I use the whole month to celebrate, so I have been a bit naughty this month but have been eating good in between.

I prefer to eat well because it definitely makes a difference.

I used to have a horrible diet and my body payed the price too.

“You are what you eat” is very true.

It doesn’t actually mean you eat a sausage and look like a sausage but if you eat healthy then your body reflects it :).

Another thing I was talking about earlier today actually.

I’ve heard before many times how people knew someone that had a healthy diet but died of cancer.

Now that makes me think “When you say ‘healthy diet’, how healthy is healthy?”.

Most of our foods are tainted in some way or another, you can’t escape it.

Especially processed foods.

Healthy foods (fruits and veg) are most of the time grown using pesticides, herbicides, insecticides.

This is what can ruin healthy foods.

In reality, we don’t need to be growing food using these chemicals. It is chemicals that is ruining our health.

Glyphosate is a chemical that is the main ingredient in the weedkiller, Round Up.

Glyphosate is also a carcinogen.

Lawsuits have been filed suing the makers of Round Up, a chemical company called Monsanto.

Monsanto is a disgusting company.

So, why is it that our foods are tainted? Well, maybe you want to look into that further.

in reply toMatt2584

Thank you for your expanding knowledge on health awareness. 😊🙏It is a myth when it comes to “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” This article will explain so well the reason why:

We eat when we feel hungry as long as we are aware what we eat. 😁👍

Wheatgrass: thank you for suggesting me those brands and I will definitely look them up on Amazon. I’m from USA and in my supermarket, there’s this smoothie/juice bar called Jamba Juice. They have fresh grass grown in a pot and they cut and grind right there and serve customers. 😁

Vertical gardening is so interesting and it can be a creative project I can look into. 🤔. Great idea!👍

Cadbury chocolate: Happy belated birthday! 🤗 well I think it is all about balancing things out. It is okay to treat us some sweet treats some time. Life is here to enjoy! 😊

I completely agree “we are what we eat” as diet plays 80 percent into our well being from physically to mentally aspects. Processed food is a NO NO to me. 🙅‍♀️I am not too rigid about diet as long as I know if i eat bad today I will detox the next day 😁👍

You see plant based products are great but there’s still concern about the soil, the water, the air quality also.

I think capitalism plays a big part in this consumer market. 😅

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Yes, capitalism plays a massive part in consumerism.I also look into conspiracy theories... well, one might call them theories but they aren’t. They are more fact than fiction.

And as for concern about the water and the air quality...

Well, most tap water has fluoride in it.

Dentists will tell you that fluoride is good for your teeth.

Well, I think it would be good for your teeth if that fluoride you found in tap water for instance was organic fluoride.

There is fluoride and then there is sodium fluoride.

Sodium fluoride is a poison and they add small amounts of eat to tap water!

But it’s not just tap water but toothpaste and mouthwashes and other sources as well that have fluoride/sodium fluoride.

And as for air quality, ever heard of geo engineering?

Basically, it’s where man controls the weather.

Now chemtrails is a part of geo engineering and the aim of chemtrails is to dim the suns rays. The suns HARMFUL rays, as they put it.

The only thing that is really harmful in this world is corrupt man, not nature.

So when you have tainted water and tainted air quality and chemicals sprayed all over your crops then you cannot escape the wickedness of corrupt man.

We live amongst psychopaths, we really do.

Thanks for the link about breakfast, I shall look into that.

I like the idea of fresh wheatgrass being ground up/juiced right in front of you. We could do with something like that over here in UK.

Thanks for the birthday wishes :).

I think it is about balancing it out in regards to eating chocolate every now and then but don’t let it take over :).

What method do you use to detox?

I know you can drink certain kinds of tea to detox and certain foods like spirulina or chlorella.

I have spirulina tablets every morning.

And I normally don’t eat anything until 12pm.

in reply toMatt2584

I’m absolutely enlightened by your awareness. 🙏

I’ve been on this journey to find truth for myself and I know it is fact, not fiction. Everything is controlled and it’s up to each individual to deprogram and create our own path to wellbeing.

Fluoride: how much is too much? Our body is actually amazing that can eliminate toxins on its own so our goal is to keep raising our immune system.

Tap water: there’s not only fluoride but also chlorine, herbicides, lead, mercury, MTBE, Nitrates, Perchlorate... to name a few so how could we just drink straight up from the faucet and I see people still do that. Everything is accumulated.

Now geo engineering involves climate controlled as we see human keep trying to “conquer” nature instead of reducing carbon footprints and live harmoniously with this planet. So you are absolutely right on men corruption, not Mother Earth. It truly is mediocre society.

I’m glad you have will power to control your sweet tooth. 😅 Yes it is all about a balanced diet according to your own body needs. I’d love to hear your take on counting calories as a method of dieting for some. 🧐

Detox: there are many natural way to detox ourselves through herbs and green leafy vegetables and even in nuts. For instance, pumpkin seed is a natural deworm, artichoke flowers extraction either through supplements or simply boiled for drinks can be great source to detox liver. Have you heard about silymarin? Great health benefits!👌

I made a post about detox through malva nut drink you can check it out: Natural Detox Drink🍹😋😁🙏🌺❤️: Sometimes I... - Healthy Eating

I’m not familiar with spirulina tablets but definitely look into it and thank you for sharing with me. 🙏

I’m the same way. I don’t eat until noon time plus my work break is not until then. 😁👍

You’re welcomed. I can say happy birthday to you any day because I always consider everyday is my birthday as I renew and reinvent myself through my life journey. 😊🙏🌺

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Ah, thanks :).I just wish a whole lot more people were aware.

Yes, our bodies detox for us as well as consuming certain things to help detox.

Have you heard of a man named David Parker or Dr. David Parker. I think he WAS a doctor.

He did an interview with a man called Michael O’Bernicia and the talk was titled “Why can’t anybody prove viruses exist?”

When people say they caught the flu or cold or whatever, this is based on germ theory which is flawed.

What it is is terrain theory.

Our bodies pick up toxins, it could be from various places and people, and when our bodies experience fever, sneezing, coughing and so on, this is the bodies reaction of getting rid of those toxins.

Michael O’Bernicia (MOB) has got a team of professionals behind him who are trying to take down the criminals in this covid-19 fraud.

A lot of the covid deaths or alleged covid deaths, those patients have mostly been vitamin D deficient.

Vitamin D is one of the saviours when it comes to covid but most people won’t take that into account because the news on tv doesn’t tell them that.

Well, of course it doesn’t tell them what they need to know. Mainstream media and governments around the world want people to die.

I didn’t really know there was much more in tap water that wasn’t good for you.

I knew of fluoride and chlorine but you mentioned a few others as well as Mercury.

Mercury is a heavy metal, a neutoxin.

I know a fair amount about neuro problems.

I have a brain injury because of 2 brain tumours.

1 of those tumours has been dealt with while the other tumour has calcified and is no longer active.

I and my family were told that the usual that I was unfortunate but as I got older I started doing some of my own investigating into what I was eating.

When I was little I had a terrible junk food diet which consisted of many sugary, processed foods, gallons of fizzy drinks and hardly any natural, REAL food.

From my investigating I found out about the sweetener Aspartame which is found in diet fizzy drinks such as Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi and more.

Aspartame can cause a multitude of health problems in time including brain cancer.

Basically I put two and two together. To me it seems obvious that the tumours appeared cos of my horrible diet.

Now, I know some folk would say they could have appeared via genes but I don’t actually believe that.

It’s like saying “I had a brain tumour cos my uncle had one”... even though he didn’t.

As far as I know, nobody in my family had a brain tumour.

So what, am I the first of my kind then? :)

When it comes to counting calories, I’m not too bothered by counting calories... not any more anyhow.

Before I started eating more healthy (About 5 or 6 years ago?) I was a bit of a chunky monkey :).

But as I was saying before, I have a Nutribullet/blender (which I think is one of mans better inventions) and I make vegetable smoothies often. Now I have more soups made via Nutribullet/blender.

I am part of a brain injury charity called Headway and when I went through my weight-loss phase nobody really commented on the weight-loss except for one person. She was telling me “Wow, you’ve lost a load of weight”.

And that was due to eating more fruit and veg and not eating so much processed foods/sugary foods and definitely no fizzy drinks.

Fizzy drinks are in my eye, poison.

Never heard of silymarin before but will look it up.

I guess a good way to remember the name is to think of a silly marine :).

I’ve not heard of malva nut either.

Spirulina and Chlorella is an algae and you can buy it in a powder form or you can get tablets.

I prefer tablets because you don’t really taste the spirulina but if you were to mix the powder in water it tastes like pond scum... well, I imagine it tastes like that anyhow :).

Thinking of everyday as your birthday is an excellent excuse to eat some cake and hopefully someone else buys it for you too :).

in reply toMatt2584

You’re welcome. I think people are very aware these days, esp our generation we seek for truth and raise important issues to make radical changes. 😁👍

I am not familiar with David Parker but I heard of Michael O’Bernicia with his Corona scandal in UK. It really shook up the system 😅.

You know we all have cancerous cells in our body and making sure our immune system full on working is where the focus is at. We are all VitD deficiency, that’s the awareness right there and I am taking 5000 IU everyday. 👍

I’m pescatarian so I do consume fish. Mercury is released in the ocean which form methyl Mercury highly toxic to seafood consumer so I am trying to reduce to twice a week fish consumption. I know there’s always something in everything but then what else can I eat now🤷‍♀️ I’m trying to make the best out of all the bad and rely on my magnificent machine to work in tip top shape😁

Oh my soda is a no no for me 🙅‍♀️ When we eat “real food”, we realize we are not that hungry at all. I’m glad you changed your diet and in much better shape than before, congrats! 😁🎉👍 I’m compassionate for everyone who has to go that brain tumor health problem ordeal and I’m so happy you have it under control. What you are doing right now in change your diet is absolutely on the right path and your spirit is so bright that you can limit the amount of stress will do you good in the long run. 🤗👍

Now birthday celebration is my motto in life. I celebrate everything in everything and each moment my existence on this planet so waiting for someone to bring me cake is the society norms, would I do that? 😉😂🤣

Yes, it is enough for me as I’m a small framed person and I don’t like the feeling of being full making me feel bloated.

I can see many people fall into stress eating not because they are hungry. Meditation helps calm my mind a lot. I enjoy simple things in life now. Happy Friday Matriarch70! 😊🙏🌺

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I have to butt in there but I agree, many people do fall into stress and stress is a killer.I use frankincense and lavender essential oils a lot and they are calming.

As I have grown up I enjoy a lot more of the simple things in life more, as well.

I appreciate nature a lot more and I think more people should as well really, but that is my thought :).

in reply toMatt2584

Please no worries Matt, I welcome all positive perspectives on my post. 😊🙏 Stress is the number one killer and it affects our whole being. I loveeee frankincense for my oil burner. I love Lavender oil and Eucalyptus oil for my shower gel from Dr. Bronner’s organic brand because I have skin eczema sometimes and it works for me than the traditional supermarket ones. Besides Frankincense and lavender, have you tried Rosemary essential oil? It wakes my energy up. 👍

Do you try meditation? It is so great that brings me to my inner peace and I feel so grounded. Cheers to Mother Nature and have a good one Matt! 🤗🙏🌺

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

I had a rash break out a year and a half to 2 years ago now and I was a bit stupid really cos I was putting too many natural products on the rash and it got far worse.But anyhow, I slowed down on putting stuff on my rash and I now have baths in epsom salts and bicarbonate of soda and it’s helped lots.

But when the rash was at it’s worst I did go visit a clinician and she was stumped as to what it was too but she said the rash resembled eczema.

I’ve never ever had allergy problems or eczema or anything before but have read that eczema can appear any time of life.

I told my auntie about the rash and she said that she sometimes gets eczema every now and then.

I didn’t know that she got it as well.

I have tried rosemary oil. It’s a nice smell and I like rubbing the rosemary plant between your fingers and smelling them :).

Apparently, smelling rosemary for 5 mins per day can improve your memory :).

Meditation is all about calmness, peacefulness, stillness isn’t it?

I always thought it was about sitting on the floor with legs crossed in a quiet room but through different things I have read it can be more than that.

I don’t really sit and meditate for very long.

I do a little yoga to stretch muscles in my legs and I do a pose where I sit cross legged. It stretches my knee muscles. Especially in my left knee.

But this stretch only lasts a minute or 2.

I don’t think I have much patience to be sitting on the floor doing nothing haha. I’m usually distracted by something else.

I think the best time for me to meditate is when I sleep :).

Matt2584 profile image
Matt2584 in reply to

Yes, cheers to mother nature :).I definitely love nature more as I’ve grown up and realise now how important nature is :).

It’s a shame when men play god and the masses support the creation of man :(.

in reply toMatt2584

Yes, our hormones change during our life span and because I do have hormonal imbalance so eczema is given and all I can do is treating my body holistically to relieve symptoms. 😅 So far my balanced diet and lifestyle do help me with less outbreaks. Again, stress and weather factors contribute to eczema skin condition also.

I’m glad you incorporate essential oils like rosemary oil into your daily life just like me. It does improve our brain function and beneficial to our skin, hair, nails, and a natural pesticide spray also for certain plants.😁👍

I made yoga post and benefits incorporate with meditation also awhile ago in PWB if you look under my profile. 😊 I recently made a post about meditation in nature if you want to check it out and read through participants’ replies as we get great ideas the real concept of meditation. Here’s link to my post: Meditation to Inner Peace. ❤️☀️☮️☯️🌻🧘🏻‍♀... - Healthy Eating

Yes sometime we human are our own enemies and it is up to us to raise our awareness through enlightenment path. Cheers to Mother Nature, we are grateful to be here and make the best out of each moment on this beautiful Earth 🌍.

Have a wonderful weekend Matt! 😊🙏🌺

Thank you! I love reading from healthline source also. 😊🙏🌺

It’s our endocrine system isn’t it? Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I have annual checkup and so far all numbers are good. I have been using Premenstrual support dietary supplements and I am okay. Intermittent fasting along with my diets and exercise do help me.

You are absolutely right 👌You know I have the awareness of cutting everything in half recommendation in almost everything and I’m so glad you see that too. 😁👍 I will have to pay attention to my protein intake to your recommendation. Yes most of my natural fats I get is from avocado and fish. Thank you. 🤗

I’m so sorry to hear that and I hope you are doing well now. According to “Inherited genetic mutations play a major role in about 5 to 10 percent of all cancers. Researchers have associated mutations in specific genes with more than 50 hereditary cancer syndromes, which are disorders that may predispose individuals to developing certain cancers.” So specific genes do play a part in this. We try to eat healthy, limit our stress factors and have a healthy lifestyle to boost our immune system up always. Hope you have a good rest of Sunday! 😊

Yummy this looks so goodddd

in reply to

Thank you Happenstances. Yes, i enjoyed it so much. 😊🙏🌺

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