I don’t have a picture because they were eaten too fast! Just made homemade egg rolls. Filling was cabbage, rice noodles, onions, celery, sunflower sprouts, ground chicken breast and seasonings with toasted sesame oil. The dipping sauces were sweet chili and hoisin. Turned out great in my new electric skillet.
Egg rolls: I don’t have a picture because... - Healthy Eating
Egg rolls

Mmmm G1nny - your Homemade Egg Rolls sound wonderful. Glad you're enjoying using your new electric skillet.
Dear G1nny,
Sound great, rather like my 'Leak & Watercress Soup'....not Around long! Excuse me, for asking but....Where did you get Sunflower Sprouts from, or did you have to grow them yourself? I often get Bean Sprouts, Pea Shoots even Young Spinach, but I have never seen, Sunflower Sprouts. My Mushroom Soup did last, long enough, for 'someone' to ask for a Drop more! You could always try a Golden Vegetable Soup, basically Carrot, Turnip and/ or Swede, Onion - funnily enough even Pea- along with a Bouillon stock. Gently cook, for around 30 minutes, then blend fairly course, then add the Stock and adjust the fluid level. Thicken, with a little flour, and season with- a LITTLE- white pepper. (If you do want a Thinner soup, then you can blend further. I use a Stick Blender, until I get the consistency I require.) All three soups take around half an hour, to prepare, and about the same to cook- depending on your personal taste.
If you want a 'Gentle' Flavour Soup, then Mushroom is lovely. Chop and GENTLY cook a medium/ Small onion, in a LOT of Butter, until clear. Add peeled, and chopped, Mushrooms, a little more butter and continue to, very gently, cook the mixture- put the kettle on to boil and keep it hot. When the mushroom, and onion, is SOFT and smells 'Mushroomy'- you will know when this happens-add around two pints of 60/ 40 near boiling water and milk. Put the heat back on and Gently bring everything back to a Slight simmer, stirring occasionally. Next remove some pieces of mushroom and place them aside before, again gently, blending the mixture- I use a Stick Blender, for this. It is NOT necessary to 'Blend' the soup, in 'one go', use the Blender two, or three, times. Whilst this is 'Going On' gently cut, the Saved Mushroom, into small pieces- the exact size you will learn, from experience. Once the soup is fully blended, you are 'Happy' with it, add back in the mushroom pieces and stir well. Continue, the cooking, until you are 'Happy' with the flavour.....around twenty more minutes. (If required some, Gentle Seasoning, can be added. I use either Sea, or Rock, salt and Black Pepper- both of which I Fresh Grind. (That Fairly Expensive 'Grinder Set' IS Worth it, really it is.)
All these Soups can be Frozen, though Don't do This, from HOT...allow them, to cool, to room Temperature first. Other than that enjoy them, I know you will, and so will your Visitors- expect that they might, very well, ask YOU for the Recipe.
More 'Soup-er' recipes next time.
Thank you so much, I love soup and will be making more especially with mushrooms etc. to answer your question I am in Texas and searched for bean sprouts, couldn’t find them and ended up with sunflower sprouts from my grocery store.
Dear G1nny,
No wonder we, are 'finding' Different supplies- you live in Texas, and me, in the UK. This evening I made another Mushroom Soup, this time with 'Red' onion- I don't know if you have these State Side, they are, as the name suggests, an onion with a Redder Skin and Flesh. The flavour (flavor) is similar, maybe slightly Sweeter, ideal for Mushroom soup. Does the soup look 'Redder', you ask? No it doesn't, In fact, there is NO difference at all, in colour (color), that I can tell.
Anyhow, I'd better get my 'Rootin Tootin' self off t' bed Yo'all, got myself a Long day T'morra and that's for sure! (excuse me I just HAD to Cotton Pickin' do that.)
Seriously though does anyone actually still speak, that way? We sometimes see this in, very old, Mid West/ Cowboy films. The ones from Hollywood, the ones where the Indians are 'Bad' and the Cowboys are 'Good'. A long time before The Unforgiven, or even the 'Spaghetti' Western.
I hope you don't Mind me asking, about these 'Things' G1nny, I guess that I'm just interested. If there is anything, that you, would like to ask me about My side- of the Pond- please do. (As regards Brexit, ask me next year....Oh F..k.)
Kindest Regards, from over Here, to over There.
No one talks like that! That’s funny, the old westerns are really old. We have red onions some are called purple onions though they are the same. I really like them sliced thin on my salad but I cut my finger the other day cutting them with my mandolin. My finger still hurts.
Dear G1nnny,
Sorry to hear about your finger, easily done, I have an Old Fashioned 'Ribbed' sharpener. My knives are normally Razor Sharp.----Don't DO it 'Blue', she ain't worth it!
Have you seen, that Wonderful, Mel Brookes film Blazing Saddles- if NOT Please do! Just about every Cultural, Language, Prejudice and Bad Taste joke going. The main plot revolves around a Black Sheriff in a VERY conservative Mid West town. He was placed there, by the Rail Road Company, in the hope that Everyone would move out. To say that that 'Didn't' Work, is not doing this film justice....not by a long shot. Very, very funny and poignant and also Great Fun- even a Pie Fight!
Well, as Porky Pig, would say.....'Der, der, der, der, dum, ther, ther, ther, That's All folks!'
Hilarious Texas accent! Reminds me of old Western movies. They sure did talk funny. The only thing I know for sure that Texan’s still say is y’all.
People in California say “You guys”
Texans: See ya’ll later!
Californians: See you guys later!
Military: See ya’s! (They never like to say goodbye.)
Dear WebMistress,
I wuz a Hopin' I Might Get Me, a Gen-u-ine Texan Gal....Wiz an ac'cent t'boot. I'm glad that I made you smile WebMistress. Different ways of speaking, are ALWAYS funny. In our, fairly small Island, we have three countries all 'English Speaking', though Wales has it's own language as well. However, within England, there are vast Regional Variations- even a few 'Local Words'. A example is the Fenland word 'Siling', meaning Heavy Rain (from Scandinavia apparently), also the Scottish 'Drickt' (may not be the right spelling) meaning the same.
I have told, this Joke, elsewhere on these pages but I'll repeat it here......Old 'Bubba' dies and the Local Sherriff calls in his Best Mates- John Boy and Blue- to identify the body. John Boy, is the first into the Mortuary, "Nope that there Ain't Bubba" he says after leaving. Next in is Blue..."Hell No, that Suure ain't Bubba" echoes Blue. Confused, the Sherriff askes them 'why', the body, isn't that of Bubba. "Weeelll" begins Blue "Bubba had two A*seholes" "He Suuure did too" continues John Boy "When we waz all walkin' down the road, people would say 'There goes Bubba- with them two A*seholes"!
An English word 'Cheerio', meaning 'Goodbye', is an interesting one. Years ago local Dignitaries were often carried, to Civic events in, a type of, Sudan Chair. This was necessary because the Street were basically sewers, with Everything, thrown into them. At the end of the evening, when today Taxis would be ordered, the call of 'Chair Ho' would be given. This call alerted the Men, charged with brining the Chair(s), that the meeting had ended. However the Message 'Chair Ho' would, after being re-laid several times, become- approximately anyway- 'Chair, here, ho'. This call was then heard, by those 'Upstairs', as 'Cheerio'....Hence it's use.
Another, very interesting word derivation is Ampersand, the 'and' symbol. Originally there were, in fact, twenty seven 'letters' in the alphabet...the extra being 'And'. Now clearly, when reciting the Alphabet, children couldn't say 'and And' so the Latin 'Et Par'- meaning 'and also' was used. On continuous repartition 'Et Par And' became Ampersand.
Enyway 'Hun' am, a reckonin' that I have prob'ly Rambled on, quite 'nuff yo'all. So I'd better git my 'Sorry A*rs' the hell outa here.
Best Wishes
I’m love mushrooms so I will certainly give your recipe a try tomorrow. If I use button mushrooms do I still need to peel them?
I honestly don't know, I was advised- because of my Condition- to 'peel' ALL Fruit and Veg. Admittedly, with Button Mushrooms, peeling DOESN'T sound Ap-Peeling! Do try the recipe catmad10, I'm sure that it will taste Great- maybe add, just a 'Tad' of cream. Enjoy yourself.
Thanks Andrew, as you say peeling button mushrooms does not ap-peel to me 😸. I have the ingredients and whilst I haven’t got cream I have some Greek yogurt. A cheeky bit of chilli might find its way in too. I will have it as a late lunch with a slice of granary bread.
All the best
Dear Sue,
Just a 'Word', of warning, sorry but I WAS Caught Out myself. Be careful with that CHILLI! My 'Fiery' Leak & Potato, nearly 'Killed' me.....F-F-F-F-Flames--ing HOT! I'm probably 'Teaching Grandma To Such Eggs' but if I can be caught out..... (Mind you, you could always be the First British Woman in space!!!)
Just a 'Quickie'.....What is the, very last, 'Thing' that goes through a bugs Mind, when it hits your Windscreen? It's A*SE!
Warmest Wishes
Too late Andrew, I made your delicious mushroom soup using button mushrooms and some creme fresh I’d got in the freezer. Rather than fresh chilli I added a sauce called ‘Total Insanity’, aptly named😳.
I do love fresh chilli and add it to stir fries and salads, I also have to sprinkle chilli flakes into shop bought soup.
I don’t suppose you have a tasty recipe for celery soup?
All the best
Dear Sue,
I'm not actually a great 'Fan', of celery, but Roughly speaking.....Chop a medium/ small onion, fry it gently down in oil, chop the celery- after removing the 'Top & Tail'. Put in some Stock, add, around 2 pints, of water- along with maybe carrot, potato or swede/ turnip. Let, the whole lot, cook for twenty minutes, 'Blitz' it add some white pepper- not too much- adjust the fluid level and continue to Simmer for twenty minutes.
This is, a bit, of a guess so you might need to adjust this a little. Can you add Cream, Crème Fresh, or Yoghurt? Yes you can, though you will have to 'Play' with the quantities. Incidentally I personally 'Love', to play, with Quantities- often Revelling in the 'Failures', as much, as the 'Winners'. My, very beautiful, Leak & Watercress Soup- for example- was developed from an 'Outline' Watercress Soup recipe, given to me, some years previously. My Mushroom soup, just from Playing/Experimenting.
A joke, for you, now there's a surprise….A lady has been Happily Married, for over fifty years, she loves her Husband with all her heart- and he her as well. (Does this ever actually happen, outside Goldilocks?) Anyway, on his eighty-seventh birth, she has a, Very Large, cake delivered. As her Husband, after some effort, blows out the candle. As he does so, the cake, breaks in two....to reveal a Scantily Clad Girl, in a 'Sexy' swimsuit. "Super Sex" exclaims the girl, in a Husky voice. "Thank you Dearie" says the Husband "but I think that I'll just have The Soup, if you don't mind."
Take care
Ha ha, that joke could have been written about me except it would be Chris Hemsworth jumping out of the cake. 🤪
Dear Sue,
There is Nothing wrong, with Old Age, except you sometimes forget where.....oh heck, where was I....Oh yes, Old age, forgetting.....yes that's right....
And when you are talking about someone and say “that woman, you know who I’m talking about, she has that thingamajig, she’s married to that bloke who drives that - oh I don’t know what it’s called but you know who I mean right?”
Yes Sue....Worse still when Doris, Len, Christine, Carol and Bob can't remember the name, of an Actor '......You now the one, he was in that 'thing', with whatshisname- from that program we watch, the one with the Pink hair.....acts alongside....'
At the risk, of offending someone- PLEASE DON'T BE- How do you make a group of 'Old Ladies' all say 'F*ck' at the same time? Just call out 'House'!
A couple have been Married, for many years. One evening she says "I could 'Murder' some Ice Cream, we have some Choc Chip....would you be a dear?" "Of Course, my darling, for you anything" replies her loving Husband before going out into the kitchen. He is out there, seemingly 'hours', Bang, Crashing, Thumping and Walloping- finally he comes in holding a plate of...Bacon & Eggs. The lady looks at the plate, looks at him, and says "You forgot the TOAST, you sill old S*d!".
Anyway enough Jokes, or I'll forget what, when, or indeed where I'm...…..Oh you know....
This probably IS old age but....where do you 'Find' the Icons, you attached? I KNOW, that I'm being Stupid- nothing unusual there- but where are they? Many thanks, not so bright
I am using an iPhone but the same instructions should work on iPad.
Look at the bottom row of the keyboard, there is a key 123 followed by a smiley face key. This is the one you need to open and there you will find loads of emoticons (that’s what they are called).
If you are using a pc or laptop I’d have to investigate and get out my laptop.
Let me know how you get on.
Yes I DO have a Laptop, just my luck!
I’m sure I’ve used emoticons on a laptop. Let me have a look and get back to you. I’m out most of tomorrow but if I get time late afternoon I’ll try and sort it out for you. Has your laptop got Windows 10?
Yes it has Sue thank you, in advance, for you help.
No problem Andrew, I’ll be back as Arnie says.
In the mean time I’ll say goodnight.
Sleep well
Thanks Sue, you too.
Hi there Andrew,
It’s really easy to get emojis on laptop using windows 10.
When you want to add one, simultaneously click on the windows button(bottom row on keyboard, 3rd button in) and the full stop button. You will then see a box with a load of emojis and the bottom row takes you through the categories. Click on which ever you want and it will be added.
Hope this helps
Dear Sue,😊😊😂😂🤣🤣
You have 'Sussed' this 'Emoji' thing, for me..... 😍😍✔✔✔😋😛👱♀️👱♀️🕶🕶🕶🥩🍟🥓🛩🚲🚉❣💕💛💙💖
😊thank Sue
Boy have you sussed it out or what 💻 !! There’s such a thing as over kill you know 🐲🏃🏻♀️😈 😸
Yes, sorry about that😒, guess I just got carried away😀….
Thanks again
Oh the exuberance of the new emoticons 😂.
I was only kidding you about the overkill 😏 xx
Dear Sue,
Jokes apart, do you think that it might be an 'Idea', to put a Post up about, all of this? I could Word It, in a 'Jovial' way, with a few 😀😊😛😋 and🤣 for 'Good Measure'. I'm sure that this would make People laugh and, 'Numbskulls' like me, would learn something? What do you think.
Answers on a Postcard please....F..K, do you remember Those?
Hi Andrew,
I know on the quit support website the majority of us pepper our posts and responses with emojis but we are quite an irreverent group.
I can’t say I’ve seen many emojis on this Healthy Eating site so yes, in answer to your question, by all means post the details of how to insert emojis using Word10. Those using iPhone or iPad will already have the emojis visible. 🥗🍇🍒🥝🥦🥬 (healthy eating emojis 😺).
All the best
ps, I remember postcards in face my friend in Houston wants me to buy her a postcard from every place I visit so yesterday I went to Wisley Gardens in Surrey and bought her a postcard and a fridge magnet.
Fact not face
Just read, your reply Sue....It is annoying when you make ball nysteaks, isn't it. You often read 'things' nack and steel a fight chump! It's, the same, with exxta leeters, it happpens soo easilly. One minute, your typing fine, the neext eet's aall gonee too ppot! Then there are, those words, that, just aren't spelt, as they 'Should be'...Yoo noo the wons.
enyway eye'l close now, take care