Its not just food we need to feel healthy - Healthy Eating

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Its not just food we need to feel healthy

7 Replies

Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those people who eat 2 blades of grass and are then seen skipping up mountainsides whistling the tune to happy days.

I am how ever hmmm usually very glass half empty and tend to look on the dark side of things but that's due to having been through quite a bit in the last 15 years or so because I never used to be I was always happy go lucky..........ok enough moaning.

My point being, its not just healthy food we need to be healthy we need a healthy mind to go with it. Now a lot of people say YOU MUST THINK POSITIVE, well I say try doing that when your world has fell apart and see how easy it is. I think I just had another whinge didn't I haha, see what I mean about looking on the glum side... This weekend I am going to go down to my allotment as I have not been in ages in the hope that it lifts my spirits somewhat better than every day life does. Even writing a few words about going to my allotment has brought a smile to my face so doing things we like or enjoy can be just as beneficial to our health and state of mind as any food we could ever eat.

Sooooooo back to the point I am making, now its winter time and we tend to stay indoors a lot more and shy away from social events {going to the shop for milk} because its to cold, I think its a lot better for us even if we just get to the front gate and hassle strangers as they walk past than just breathing in the central heating. I have already started hassling Marley and got his santa hat out which he absolutely adores wearing even if he has his winter face on and looks a bit GLUM haha. Just like me he will soon be in high spirits when we get to the garden tomorrow.

Be safe this weekend in the cold people and spare a thought for little Marley who will be digging up potatoes in the neighbours plot.......once ive opened the gate that is.

7 Replies
BadHare profile image

That's excellent advice!

I keep reading articles about being outdoors in natural surroundings being better for mental health & wellbeing than meds. Can't beat skipping up mountains, though I prefer it after a hefty bowl of porridge, & with the promise of a pint afterwards. I leave the blades of grass to the sheep. My favourite social event of the week is usually my doggie coffee date with my friend's lovely staffie, then a walk afterwards. We like the trees for different reasons. ;)

Hope you & Marley enjoy your trip to your allotment. I hope he doesn't get in to trouble, or he will have a grumpy face!

deejames profile image

You made me laugh. And that's on a morning when nothing seemed good. So thanks.

Market should help. Around here dog walkers are very friendly and chatty. You meet up with the same ones, get to know their names( the dogs names that is) and it's a twice daily reason to get up and get out.

Nothing can change circumstances but you are right. Human interaction is vital for well being.

Feeding yourself good food to nourish the body helps mental well being. And digging the earth is definately food for the soul. Lucky you. I hope you get the satisfaction out of that contact with the earth that I would.


PS don't let Marley dig your neighbours potatoes. Angry allotment holders are not good for the soul !

Zest profile image

Marley is GORGEOUS!!!! What a lovely photo - and I'm thinking of you both enjoying the fresh air in the garden on the weekend.

Zest :-)

What a lovely post and Marley what a lovely dog and his hat 🐶 as for 2 blades of grass and skipping up the mountain we're not lambs LOL. It is also important that we enjoy our food and a healthy balanced diet gives us a head start in our well being as we are then packed with nutrition.

As for exercise you have Marley to take for a walk and I bet his tail wags a lot especially when people admire his hat...😊 so thanks for sharing the picture.

andyswarbs profile image

Nothing better than digging your own veg.

ronnie13swann profile image

Thanks for making me laugh, how can you stay grumpy with a lovely little dog like Marley for company. Enjoy your allotment.

What excellent advice and I totally agree with you, it's easier said than done though and doesn't help if someone says 'pull yourself together'. You definitely have the right attitude, go outside and get some fresh air no matter how cold. The outdoors is a wonderful place and makes you feel so much better, I'm not the kind of person that likes to sit around the fire, I like to go out, enjoy the lovely countryside and fresh air and then enjoy that well earned hot cup of tea when I come home.

Mental health is incredibly important and as important as the food we put in our mouths. I suffer with Emetophobia and it can be debilitating but rather than struggle every time there is a tummy bug around I am working my way through the Thrive Programme, it's an amazing Programme and there are a fair few testimonials on the Thrive website where people are talking about how they no longer suffer with this phobia. My youngest granddaughter was sick last night and I saw her the night before so panic started setting in 'am I going to get it'? I didn't manage to finish my meal as I could no longer face it but as soon as I had my shower I opened the book and continued working my way through it - I did feel a little better for doing this but I still have a way to go to finish the book.

Well done to working on your emotions positively, it can take effort so good on you.

Thank you for sharing.

By the way, Marley is gorgeous.


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