Morning all. I’m determined to stick with the clever guts diet in the hope it will put a spring back in my step. I made the nutty granola yesterday, it is lush but has given me indigestion! I think I will make it with less nuts because as wonderful as they were I think 400g nuts to 180g oats and flax seed plus 100g coconut oil is a bit excessive and maybe too much fat for my gallbladder less body to cope with. Today I’m starting sauerkraut! Bit apprehensive about eating Food that has fermented for weeks!
Clever guts diet: Morning all. I’m... - Healthy Eating
Clever guts diet

Hi Callyv I think the linseeds could well be responsible for your indegestion, they are much easier absorbed if ground first and you still don't want to have too many as they contain a lot of fibre. When there's plenty of fibre in the oats, so are also often taken to increase bowel movements.
Well done for making such a great effort and I hope that you get a spring back in your step real soon...
Jerry 😊

I should have said, the flaxseed was ground, but there was 80g of it. And of course the nuts also have fibre.
Where did you find the recipe for your granola?
I think your system just isn’t ready for all the fiber you gave it...back off a little just don’t give up. It takes a while for your body to adjust to a diet high In fiber. Your gut and colon will be at war until your body adjusts...but it will adjust.
Panz 🙏💕☘️😍💗🌞
I made kimchi a couple of weeks ago. I much prefer it to sauerkraut
Start slowly with the sauerkraut and build up to it. If you want the true benefit of probiotics from sauerkraut then it should be live not pasteurised.
I made my own sauerkraut about 6 weeks ago. I find it very strong, much stronger than when I've had it in cafes or whatever, so I can only manage a very small amount at a time. Any ideas on how to make it more palatable?
I agree it is strong. I eat my sauerkraut mixed with salads, cucumbers and tomatoes.
I have also found adding shredded carrots for the ferment seems to sweeten it.
Others may have experience of adding flavouring such as caraway or juniper. These may help.
I added caraway during the fermentation process as I love the flavour of these seeds. That's a great idea of adding grated carrot, I can imagine that would 'improve' it! I hadn't thought of mixing it into a salad. I normally plonk a lump of it at the side of my plate and try to shovel it down as quickly as possible! Thanks for those suggestions
Mine has beetroot instead of carrot as well as caraway seeds