Does your smart phone/tablet disrupt your s... - Healthy Eating

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Does your smart phone/tablet disrupt your sleep?

3 Replies

Hi everyone,

After Debs great poll on using our devices at night here's an article about how blue light affects the production of melatonin which's a hormone that helps us sleep and feel relaxed.

We also use our devices for alarms and reading so it's obvious how they could be disrupting our sleep.

Please see:

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3 Replies
Kbirdy7 profile image

I do keep my phone on the nightstand. I always turn the “Do not disturb” on, so I don’t here the pings of notifications. However, I did notice that even though there’s no “noise”, my screen still “lights up”. That, itself defeats the whole “do not disturb” purpose . 🤦🏼‍♀️. I’m going to invest in an alarm clock and keep my phone in another room, like the article suggested. Great advice! Thank you for sharing 😊

Cooper27 profile image

I don't like to use my phone as an alarm, I prefer a physical alarm clock and I only use my phone on holiday, to save packing space :)

I don't really think using my phone before bed affects my sleep, as long as I don't check social media right before bed. It turns out I have the blue light filter on my tablet engaged 24/7, and that may make a difference. I dunno. I also wouldn't check my phone in the middle of the night, unless there was a big news event happening (like an election),

Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

This is a thought-provoking post, and I will consider the impact - there definitely is one, and I shall look forward to reading the article on sleep - particularly as I've been struggling to get adequate sleep for the past fortnight or so.

Zest :-)

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