Hello everyone,
I am new to all of this. I have been searching everywhere online for different websites, articles, forums, etc. that would help with my problem. I am interesting in eating healthier, but i have a major dilema. I have food allergies. Not just any, but specifically allrgies to raw fruits, raw vegtables, and all tree nuts. I grew up eating fruits and veggies and dealing with the itchy throat and nausea. My parents would alwaya tell me to just get a drink of water or something, thinking i was being a normal kid and not enjoying my healthy snacks. A few years ago, back in 2011 i ate a cherry in between soccer matches, and it set me off. An overnight stay at the hospital, and a few trips to a specialist, and i found out i am allergies to what seemed like, everything.
I know a lot of people with try and say that i should eat around the allergy and deal with it, but my allergy is not just a common case of OAS (oral allergy syndrom.) i become anaphylactic when i eat any of the foods listed above. My throat closes and my uvula swells, which actually blocks my airways. This sends my anxiety over the edge when trying to eat certain things. Half the time i cant tell if im beginning an allegic reaction to a new food, or its all in my head and im freaking myself out.
Anyway, i cane here to see if anyone has any ideas to try and create a meal plan that could possibly involve cooked fruits and vegtables, as well as alternatives that i can eat that will be healthy, bur avoid the allergic foods (again, raw fruits, raw veggies, and any tree nuts)
All help and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.