I’m so sorry this is totally wrong communit... - Healthy Eating

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I’m so sorry this is totally wrong community but don’t know where else to post.... don’t read if eating...

Greeneyedgirl2019 profile image

I’m really sorry again for putting this here but I’ve searched the entire internet and can’t find another health communities in the UK..

Hi I’m really embarrassed writing this but since giving up smoking on New Year’s Day I haven’t been able to poo! I’ve taken laxatives but nothing. I’m quite a big eater so it’s a bit worrying - surely all that food has to come out else I’m going to pop! I’ve just been in the shower and had a ‘feel around’ it actually feels like there’s a smooth film inside, as if my bowels are totally blocked. Should I contact a doctor? I’m not in any pain


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Greeneyedgirl2019 profile image
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18 Replies
ollio profile image

I found Fybogel daily and Andrews liver salts does the trick. Its medication that does it to me but that always works!! A glass of PURE fresh orange a day not from concentrate, also helped. Along with my new healthy diet and walking every day since new year has helped loads and have not had to use the fybogel as much or Andrews as much. Hope this helps a bit.

Kaz747 profile image

Yes contact a doctor as there could be a blockage. My mum was in hospital last year and had a similar problem because of all the strong drugs she was on. She was on the loo for hours and in a lot of pain. They gave her a few enemas and we loaded her up with fruit and fibre. Eventually she went but nurses were ready to call for a surgical consult. I asked what the surgeon would do and they said a manual evacuation. Gross I know but it’s all part of the human digestive system. In fact mum and I were going to write a book based on hospital experiences and call it “Have you opened your bowels today?” 😉

TryingMYbestAtlife profile image
TryingMYbestAtlife in reply to Kaz747

I always have to use a laxative once a week. Don't keep feeding until you pass a BM and make sure you're completely cleaned out. like nothing but liquid. I'm worn out afterwards and I drink ginger ale to soothe my bowels. It works for me.

Hi there, constipation can be caused by nicotine withdrawal but obviously you have to make sure that there isn't something else so consulting your GP would be ideal as well.

So well done for quitting tobacco and here's a link about constipation and tobacco withdrawal:


And I wish you well with this as it's hard enough quitting smoking.

BathOnion profile image
BathOnion in reply to

Hello Jerry

Thanks a million for such a fantastic link. Have been on the website myself and have saved the page as one of my favourites. It looks so good and covers a lot of ground.

Will pass on the link if I see anyone else on these forums who could benefit from it as well.


Zest profile image

Hi Greeneyedgirl2019

I hope you feel better soon, and I can see you've had some very helpful replies - so just wanted to wish you the best - and hope your weekend goes well.

Zest :-)

Misslovely profile image

Hi Greeneyedgirl2019

I have IBS and have issues like this. I for the most part manage my IBS with the ise of Pukka Slimatea. You can find it in health shops and major supermarkets. Its much kinder to the system than some laxatives. You could also massage the bowel area starting from your right hamd side moving to the left as that follows the flow of the intestines. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with not going everyday, its when you start to feel pain and youve exhausted laxatives, herbal drinks and suppositries that you need the doctor! If however youre in pain dont delay and book in

There is actually an IBS forum on HU - they may have more suggestions for you

I hope it gets resolved quickly for you

Good luck xx

TryingMYbestAtlife profile image
TryingMYbestAtlife in reply to Misslovely

What is HU? is it on this website?

Misslovely profile image
MisslovelyVolunteer in reply to TryingMYbestAtlife


HU is Health unlocked site which has multiple forums xx

spzgirl51 profile image

Hello Greeneyedgirl2019 ,

Firsltly, well done for deciding to give up . Keep going you are doing a fantastic job! The first two weeks are the hardest. I smoked for 25 years plus. I up 19 years ago and it was the Best thing I ever did.

I would say the nicotine monster is very canny and has many ways to draw you back into smoking. Severe constipation is your bodies natural reaction to the sudden withdrawal of nicotine and smoke.

I would certainly see a doctor if you are worried and uncomfortable.

Have you tried the usual strategies for easing contipation? Drink a lot more than usual, eat more fruit etc. And try to light exercise to help move things along? Exercise could distract you from smoking too? Nicotine patches worked well for me apart from the very vivid dreams they have me. I had several ultra real dreams where I was smoking . When I woke up it felt like I had started smoking again even though I hadnt. It was a weird feeling. So all power to you for giving up. 6 days smoke free is excellent.

A very traditional constipation remedy is having a teaspoon of olive oil first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything? This should help soften the passage through your bowel. Olive oil can be powerful stuff so start with a small amount. Of course, strong coffee is a well known laxative.too.

I think it is normal for your body to react in this way to the sudden withdrawal of nicotine but you can employ strategies to ease things while your digestive system is readjusting.

You could always ring nhs 111 for advice if you are worried or in pain. If you are in the uk of course.

Let me know how the stopping smoking is going if you like? The nicotine monster is a slippery devil. You can do it.

Good luck and best wishes xx

lvanhook profile image

Yes contact dr.

andyswarbs profile image

lots of good advice here. Water is a must, rather than tea/coffee/alcohol/soft drinks, imo.

spzgirl51 profile image

Hello Greeneyedgirl2019 ,

Have you thought about asking your local pharmacist for advice on stopping smoking and possible problems? In my area it is my local chemist and not my gp. surgery that has the contract for help with smoking cessation. I guess each nh s commissioning group sets its own priorities and systems locally these days. Personally , I always find my local chemist very knowledgeable. Seeing the doctor is not always a quick option?

Best wishes x

Fran182716 profile image

Not the same as giving up smoking but I've had several abdominal surgeries that "slowed everything up" and found prunes worked very well. Hope you feel more comfortable soon.

szacchary profile image

Drink lukewarm water in the morning and eat more vegetables and fruits.

Violetta25 profile image

Get yourself some senna tablets to take at night. They draw moisture to the bowel and help keep your stools soft. Drink plenty fluids.

sleeksheep profile image

Search online for " enteric coated Peppermint Oil capsules "

Taken one hour before eating three times a day at first then one a day seems to work.

If they dont say enteric coated there of no use for this problem.

I use this brand or Pepogest.


manisha1 profile image

just eat foods that allow you to go for a poo try not to take too many laxatives. you can also get i think you can get suppositories that you can put up your bottom and within 10 minutes you will poo. if you're really concerned go to the GP, your body has made a change, not smoking and it just means your body is just adjusting. try figs prunes either as a fruit or juice, more than anything you must feel really uncomfortable

hope it works for you, well done with giving up smoking

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