Has anyone healed gastritis and oesophagitis by eating and drinking certain foods and what do/did you avoid. I'm in a lot of pain despite P.P.Is and Gaviscon. Please help if you can. I've had this 3 yrs now and all I've been told is low fat
Gastritis and oesophagitis: Has anyone healed... - Healthy Eating
Gastritis and oesophagitis

Hi I had something similar and oesophageal spasms which were horrendous. Doctor wanted me to take omniprezole or lanzaprazole (I think that’s how you spell it). I am against taking meds if there is an alternative. I was already vegetarian and could not get an accurate pattern to relate it to a certain food type. One minute I thought it was bread, then salad, then rice and on it went. Anyway to cut a long story short I was beginning to think I would have to take the tablets but then decided to become vegan and as a coincidental benefit of that, I have never had a single episode. Not even one and that is nearly 3 years now. Before I was lucky if I could get through a day . I now eat whole food plant based diet, which even includes a lot of spicy food and also coffee. Things the doctor said would make it worse! 🌱🙂
Thankyou for that. Every little bit helps. Yes they say no caffeine or spices. I only usually eat white fish and veg. Even salad burns. Did that do that to you for a while? I don't have a gallbladder which doesn't help. But I did buy some turmeric so maybe I should try taking it as a bit scared to. They give you the Onaprazole etc to lower acid but as we get older they say we produce less acid so it's all confusing. I have porridge for breakfast then later a banana and that even "burns". Well I'll just have to keep sticking to the veg. I don't eat red meats and hardly any chicken. I am so glad you healed yourself with food and not drugs. I hate them too. Thank you for that. They did tell me also a low fat diet. Linda
Hi basten
I just wanted to say 'Welcome' to the Healthy eating forum. I hope you'll be able to find foods that you can tolerate - it must be very horrible when you experience the burning sensations.
Hello thankyou for replying. I DO get a lot of gas and salads and raw veg are a no no too for me I think. I've been told also to have low fat so I try to avoid cheese. Yes cooked veg are easier to digest. I've got a lot of tips and help and I'm very grateful you took the time to really. The burning pain is awful. Not when I eat it's hrs later for me. I try not to lay down but if really bad as you say I just rest on pillows or in my recliner I'm lucky to have. It's just the inflammation never goes away. I've had this 3 plus years now and that's why I went on this site for people's advice, help and tips. Kind regards Linda
What fruits and veg do you avoid by the way?? And any drinks such as caffeine they say avoid but I DO like a cup of tea ha ha
The other thing I was told and you may want to consider and look into for yourself is that your body is producing too much acid and to counteract that if you added Raw apple cider vinegar to your diet it may actually help rebalance things. Things that I used to think would help like cheese and milk made things worse and for me. I unwittingly thought milk was calming when in fact it’s slightly acidic so it did in fact make me produce more acid. At the time it was at its worst, I was on a vegetarian high fat, low carb diet, drinking and eating more dairy than I had ever had. I gave that up and had instant success. But that’s just my experience and giving up dairy worked for me 🙂
Yes lettuce caused it to be really bad one day at work, I used to get it so bad I can’t tell you. I was sick in the street several times. I even got it drinking water once. Which just goes to show it’s probably the whole diet that needs an overhaul, not that you are necessarily unhealthy, I’m not saying that, but something doesn’t agree with you. Good luck with it all 🤞
ps, I had suffered with this for 20 years but particularly the last 10 years before becoming vegan.
Hello I'm sorry to hear you were even sick and for so long too!! I'm lad you're better now. Thanks for that time. Yes, I agree about milk and cheese and salad. It burned awful so all I have is a wee bit of unsweetened soya milk. I often have a teaspoon of bicarb as that neutralise acid. It's produced by the pancreas and I had pancreatitis 205 so have to eat low fat. This site has made me feel not so alone with my problems and it's been so helpful talking to you. Thank you
I would watch gojiman on youtube who has daily videos that talk in a non-nonsense way about gut disorders such as these, how to diagnose exactly what the underlying problem is and then the steps to treat. For instance, much as I love spinach they are high in oxylates so you need a good gut to consume them regularly.
Yes milk and cheese makes it worse. It was nice of you to get back to me. I'm making a note of things. This site has made me feel not so alone. God bless and best wishes Linda
I wonder if you have had a gastroscope. I had one five years ago which found I had a hiatus hernia and Barrets then I had another three years ago. I have just had the third one because I was getting discomfort in my stomach. I had virtually stopped taking Omeprazole as I was getting few symptoms having started a WFPBNO diet three years ago. I am back on Omeprazole as my doctor thinks acid can still come into my lower oesophagus. I would rather take the drug now than to risk the Barrets turning to cancer.. Sorry to hear you are having so much discomfort.
Hello I'm sorry to hear you suffer the same as me. I have a hiatus hernia too. Thankyou for replying. It's a nice site.
By the way what is a WFPBNO diet? What foods do you eat and drink and what do you avoid.?? I've tried all sorts. Had this for 3 to 4 years now. They did tell me low fat diet. I DO so wish we could heal!! I don't have a gallbladder and had pancreatis once. The pain is worse by evening. Thank you regards Linda