Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the face... - Healthy Eating

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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the face of obstacles

12 Replies

Hello and thanks for welcoming me to the group. My name is Catherine and I am a 72 year-old retired primary teacher. I have been trying to eat healthily for several years now, especially since my husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. We also try to walk regularly. We have both attained and maintained a normal weight for a few years now and my husband was told last year he could stop taking his Glipizide. A recent check-up has shown that his blood sugar is still excellent. The diabetes nurse said, "Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it." So why do I need this forum? One reason is that it is easy to become complacent and let things slide. An occasional treat can so easily become a regular one! Another reason is that my husband has now been diagnosed with the early stages of vascular dementia. This came shortly after he had recovered from a hip replacement that had had some complications and which had a lengthy recovery time. I feel I have been catapulted into the role of carer and that this has turned out to be a permanent rather than temporary one. This has had a bad effect on my own physical, mental and emotional health and I feel I need some support in taking care of myself in order to be a happy, relaxed and healthy carer as well as having a life of my own outwith caring. I have started comfort eating again and have put on a few pounds. It's not much but I feel it could be the start of a slippery slope! It really helps to be in touch with others that are fighting the same battles.

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12 Replies
Zest profile image

Hi Hidden

Wishing you a warm welcome to the Healthy eating forum, and it's great that you've joined us. I hope you'll enjoy being part of this community, and that you'll find plenty to interest you - we have various Pinned posts and Topics.

Thanks for your introduction, and well done to you and your husband on your healthy eating. I realise your husband has been through quite a bit, following his hip replacement, and recent diagnosis with the early stages of vascular dementia. You mentioned taking on more of a caring role now, and the impact of that on your own well-being, and it might be beneficial to also join one of the Healthunlocked forums which address things related to Caring. If I can find one, I'll give you a link - I'll have a look. Like you said, being in touch with others who are in a similar position/role is helpful.

We're a friendly group here, and I hope you'll enjoy participating. Wishing you and your husband a good week ahead.

Zest :-)

p.s. There is a Carer's Community here:

Latinia profile image

As you say it is a great shock to get a sudden change in circumstances like that. Our diagnosis was Parkinson’s, again following an extended recovery from cancer. I try to stay rather in denial about being seen as a carer. Of course I care. Of course I do all I can to make life as easy as possible for him. Of course I fight all the battles on his behalf. But, if asked, I say I am a student taking a rather extended “gap year” or several. Completely true. My books are my escape to the Ancient World. As you say, those pesky pounds creep on when I am looking the other way. So needs must keep up the focus. Best wishes. Sheila

in reply to Latinia

I love your attitude Sheila! I think you are right that you shouldn't let yourself be defined by your carer's role. I love books too and have always found them an enjoyable escape. What are you studying? I am doing an online course in creative embroidery and find that when I am stitching nothing else exists and I am totally absorbed.

Latinia profile image
Latinia in reply to

I study Archaeology and Classics. Brilliantly absorbing but the “gap year” now running into a fourth leaves my plans awry. Nevertheless, I have amassed a great many books so the interest goes on with the hope of formal resumption one day.i tried to resume this month but “life” dictated otherwise. I can understand how absorbing your own online course is. Not only the content, but also contact with those who share your passion.

I am playing truant today (Carers calling in at home). I am heading to Oxford to the Ashmolean for the Pompeii exhibition. My friend has booked lunch so maybe today will mean falling off the diet wagon. Best wishes. Sheila

in reply to Latinia

Sounds a lovely day! These kinds of days feed the soul and remind us of the richness of life. Sometimes (if not too often!) falling off the diet wagon is the healthier option! I had that sort of day yesterday when my sister and her husband, my niece and her two boys aged 12 and 7 all came to our house for the day. The boys and their mum enjoyed an hour or so with my art materials, all three completely absorbed in their painting while we 4 oldies chatted over coffee and homebakes. Lunch was chaotic with extra stools squeezed in to our small dining table. I enjoyed the day so much that I fell asleep and woke up with a huge smile on my face. The ice cream and lemon drizzle cake were not something to feel guilty about but just part of a wonderful day. Hope your day, although different, is equally wonderful and that you fall asleep tonight and wake up tomorrow with a smile. C x

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70 in reply to

ice cream and lemon drizzle did you make or buy it, sounds good enough to go off diet for a bit.

in reply to san_ray70

I'd like to say I made them but no. I bought the ice cream for my two great-nephews and my niece brought me a delicious gluten-free lemon drizzle cake which the 7 of us shared (with the ice cream and some fresh berries) for dessert. I'm back on the straight and narrow now, eating healthily and walking briskly most days.

cherv profile image

Glad you came to HU you will be welcomed any were you venture. Get involved in topics that seem to attract you. Even one's that seem impossible like walking long distance it can be done in doors at a mall. Others will have idea's. Age is not a limit, many of are older. Most important look around and welcome.

in reply to cherv

Thanks Cherv. I'm lucky that I am fit and healthy and don't feel old - don't really feel all that different from I did 20 years ago. A touch of arthritis in my knee but not bad enough to stop me walking regularly. Turmeric supplements, regular acupuncture and lots of walking keep the arthritis at bay. I'm also lucky that I have lovely countryside around and belong to several walking groups. Retirement? I'm too busy to be bored!

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to

You are blessed glad you have a lovely country side to walk. It is difficult to care for and ill partner. My hussband is my care giver, I have Type1 diabetes and have seizures all which developed in the past 15 years. He travels on business all week we are on Share by a diabetic machine inserted in my stomach. Sends alarms if I'm to low, which is my danger area. We are hoping our new puppy will turn out to be a seizure dog for me last 2 of the same breed have. You have a demanding situation hope you have some back up coming in to take some of the pressure off.

in reply to cherv

You have such a hard road to walk cherv. Diabetes is hard to cope with without having seizures too. I hope your puppy does turn out to have the skills to help you. I am lucky that I have a loving and supportive family just 30 miles away. I hope you have someone to support you when your husband is away.

cherv profile image
cherv in reply to

My boys live close by one travels like my husband other just had his first baby at 40 years. They are bonding and so in love. Extended family is large and hubby can jump on a plane any time needed, corporate has been supportative of all emergenies. Although I hae been healty this past year jst getting older but the pup does keep me moving. Sure the new baby will require grandma to babysit often. Mind set is my focus to keep positive and love this site so many wonderful and loving people.

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