Hi there, need to lose a LOT of weight, I am trying to work out a game plan so I don't feel intimidated by the size of the job.
New to site.: Hi there, need to lose a LOT of... - Healthy Eating
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Do you know why you're overweight? Is it too much food, too little activity, an underlying health condition, or a combination of these factors?
There are a couple of approaches you could adopt, individually or together. One thing you'll definitely need to do, with weight loss or good health in mind, & that's to remove all processed food from your diet. Low fat chemical laden foods have the opposite effect. Don't be swayed by anything labelled as low fat or sugar free as the substitutes are more unhealthy than fat & sugar, We've been duped by food manufacturers for years into believing processed c**p is good for us, so try to make as much as your meals from scratch, & fill up on as many vegetables as you can. Avoid margarine, sunflower oil, anything containing white flour (or any foods containing gluten) if you can manage this. Avoid other processed foods such as burgers, sausages, bacon. Take a look at the diagrams below, with a view to what you should be eating. Drink more water. Avoid tea & coffee near meal times as the caffeine, tannins, & calciu in milk prevent nutrients being absorbed.
Try to forget calorie counting, & concentrate more on on counting the nutrition you need for your body to become healthier. Think what your body needs to function well rather than what you want.
There are different ways of eating. Some people lose weight by having a large high protein breakfast, a medium sized lunch, & a small supper, with no snacking inbetween,
Give intermittent fasting a try for a month to see if this helps. There are two types, one is the 5:2 way of eating, where a person eats normally for 5 days a week, & has two non-consecutive days eating up to 500 calories. I prefer the other type which is sticking to restrictive eating times, so I eat nothing but water after 7-8pm, then don't eat anything but water until late morning the next day. I eat a huge brunch & supper, & snack on fruit, nuts, & seeds during the afternoon. It took a few weeks to get used to, but it now seems normal to go without food for 14-16 hours a day & I feel healthier & rarely hungry inbetween. This type of eating gets our bodies to use fat stores for energy, so it's a little bit like the Atkins/HF/LC type of eating with regard to how the body uses energy stores, but easier.
Add a good probiotic to your diet, as well as increasing your fibre intake from fresh fruit & vegetables to improve the important bacteria we have in our guts. Having healthy gut bacteria is extremely important to our wellbeing.
These posters can be printed & stuck to your fridge, &/or downloaded to your phone:
Short video: anhinternational.org/2018/0...
If you have a lot of weight to lose then you might need advice from doctors or dietitians especially if you cut calories as a method.