Eating all the wrong things: I’m a stay at... - Healthy Eating

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Eating all the wrong things

hayleybell12 profile image
13 Replies

I’m a stay at home Mum with 3 children under 3! I make terrible choices of food since the kids have come along and really want to get back on track! Im good with breakfast, lunch and dinner but it’s the snacking inbetween- chocolate, biscuits, cocktail sausages....I know all I need to do is eat fruit but I just don’t.

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hayleybell12 profile image
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13 Replies
Steffheijkoop profile image

We’re the same. I eat so healthy during the day, but then at night I binge.

I found going to bed early helps, but then again, I don’t have children. Perhaps try to spend your free time reading, or blogging, or another hobby that keeps your attention glued, so you don’t think about snacking.

I read in a magazine a long time ago, that if you’re starting to think about cake, or biscuits, or any other type of junk food, go upstairs and paint your nails. Keeps your mind occupied for half an hour.

Another trick I have, is I ask myself: if I’m so peckish, will I eat an apple? If the answer is no, I don’t go to the fridge. :) actualy I do. I need help. But it’s a trick worth trying for yourself.

hayleybell12 profile image
hayleybell12 in reply to Steffheijkoop

That’s great advice thank you. I think the problem started when I had twins - I was up all hours of the night and needed a fix to keep me going so I would raid the biscuit tin at all hours of the night. I’m thinking I need to prepare my snacks in advance to save me browsing the wrong cupboards!!

I’m just unhappy with how I feel after I’ve eaten all the rubbish.🤨

It’s hard isn’t it??

Steffheijkoop profile image
Steffheijkoop in reply to hayleybell12

Are you able to organise a babysitter for 40 minutes every evening, once the young ones are fed, bathed and settled? Maybe your other half?

I have severe depression, which is why I don’t give a damn about my binge eating, but a few years ago, when circumstances where different, I had lost 60 kilos. One trick that really helped me stay away from junk food after work, was going for a fast paced walk, every night. I guarantee, when you get back home, you won’t feel the need to overeat. :)

Another trick. Tell yourself you can have a cookie, or what ever, but you must have a piece of fruit first. You may find that you feel so good from eating your fruit (something with lots of water nd fiber) that you might not want that biscuit after all.

All the tricks are coming back to me now. :)

kikivball profile image
kikivball in reply to Steffheijkoop

All of my crazy craving a come to me during the night time too. What I do is grab some tea when I feel a craving coming on! The craving may not go away right away, but it definitely has some benefits. Also make sure to stay away from the kitchen area; out of sight, out of mind!! ;)

Steffheijkoop profile image
Steffheijkoop in reply to kikivball

Unless she lives in Ireland or England, where tea is associated with biscuits or cake. :/

kikivball profile image
kikivball in reply to Steffheijkoop

Good point!! lol

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to kikivball

Try taking chelated magnesium at bedtime. Sugar cravings can be a sign of deficiency. A transdermal magnesium spray also works.

BadHare profile image

Tough love, but stop buying the junk food, & try drinking a large glass of water between meals.

If you need to snack, set a good example for your children, & opt for some healthy alternatives.

I snack several times a day within certain times, & make it easy by having things that are good for me in plain sight: a dish of fresh fruit on my kitchen table, plus large jars of mixed walnuts, almonds & brazils, & chia & linseeds. These contain protein & healthy oils as well as vitamins & minerals, & filling fibre, so make up an important part of my daily nutrient intake. Sometimes I eat a little dried fruit.

Instead of biscuits, try making flapjacks with oats & banana (apple puree also works). These would be a healthy snack for your children, & they can join in making them, too.

Cravings can be the result of magnesium, iron or other mineral or vitamin micro-nutrient deficiencies. Try eating a piece or two of >70% cocoa dark chocolate to curb your sweet tooth.

Zest profile image

Welcome hayleybell12 , hope you find your way around the forum ok, we've got lots of 'Topics' to explore, and you can also search using the 'Search Healthy Eating' (top right).

Wishing you a great weekend.

Zest :-)

hayleybell12 profile image

Thank you all. I’m going to take on board everything that has been said. I’m going to plan my weekly food in advance and try my best to stick to it. Setting the children an example is so important so I’m going to hold onto that. Thank you for the recipes - the flapjacks look lovely and are definitely something I would eat in place of other things.

P.s - I am from England so tea and cake go far too good together 😜

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to hayleybell12

Tea & cake are definitely lovely, wherever we live. For me, I save treats for high days & holidays when I'm out, providing I'm good at home. :)

Sadmia profile image

My daughter gave me a tip, she said don't buy it in the supermarket, if it's not in the cupboard you can't eat it. Very hard to do though, especially with little ones demanding snacks. You can do it! Good luck. Are you sure you're not just thirsty? Worth trying that first.

it does take a bit of time to change things around.. i have 4 children from 2 to 12.

mine are understanding when i explain why we have to cut out a lot sweets that they got used too... except for my 2 year old daughter who if she doesnt get her choclate fix she will bite me where ever she can.

choclate cake i read somewhere is okay so thats what i make for them ☺

always have diffrent fruit in the home so they dont get fed up .. get them used to growing a few seeds in pots like coriander and they will love it.

i know its hard work but the reward is great.

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