Hi all. New to this community. Had to post as really struggling today. Why oh why is not eating so much harder than eating!!
Struggling : Hi all. New to this community... - Healthy Eating

Not eating can be less bad than eating the wrong things.
It's good for our bodies & digestive system to have a rest, as it is to eat foods that are nutritionally beneficial.
Look at healthy swaps - that way you can keep "feeding" yourself without taking on board unnecessary calories. There are some interesting flavoured teas you can swap for high calorie coffees; swap sugar free jellies for rich desserts; swap baked veg instead of fried veg (I microwaved chopped mushrooms in paprika with tomatoes this morning - fills up the space on the plate, next to my eggs). Keep the bread in the freezer, chuck out the cakes, crisps and biscuits - or buy ones you don't like! Let us know if you have some good suggestions too?
I’m new to this forum too! Just coming to the end of day 3 and been feeling run down and headaches, maybe due to drastically dropping my carb intake.
I enjoy hypnotherapy at night time to help me sleep and one in particular on YouTube is hypnotherapy and weight loss spoken by Michael sealey.
Could give that a go with headphones tonight?
Tried the hypnotherapy clip you mentioned. I’m hooked. Brilliant. Thank you for the tip.
Dropping carbs can give you a headache, google ketosis side effects. Try drinking a bouillon cube in hot water. Perhaps try increasing your carbs a little?
Yeah, you do feel a bit weird for a while. It will pass. It varies from person to person: anything from 2-10 days. My experience is that you just wake up one morning feeling absolutely awesome. The critical point with low-carb - and ignoring this one can actually put you in the ER - is to increase your fat intake. More butter, more (natural) oils, more eggs, more fatty meat. A lot of people try to "improve" low-carb by simultaneously reducing fats, ie., they're eating nothing but protein, water, and fibre. If you do that, your body is literally running on empty: a weird feature of human metabolism is that it can't burn amino acids for fuel unless some fat and/or carbs are also available.
+1 to Penel's remark about drinking a stock cube (although I'd suggest some nice homemade soup made with beef bones or similar). You can get away with the government-sanctioned low-salt approach when consuming mostly carbs for energy, but you'll feel awful if you try it on low-carb.
Why would you want to "not eat"? Of course it's hard. While it does have some benefits in certain situations, not eating is a bit pointless. If you're attempting to lose weight, it really doesn't help. Far better to eat something that promotes weight loss - eggs are a good no-brainer - than to sit around starving yourself and dreaming about Oreos.