I stopped eating at around 8 pm last night and didn't eat again today until around 1:30 pm. I had brown rice and carrots. Ever since I've ate that, I have been feeling REALLY bad. My sinuses are blocked, my adrenals feel wrecked, I'm irritable, bloated, tired.... nose red... etc. Why did this happen???
Why am I feeling so bad now?: I stopped... - Healthy Eating
Why am I feeling so bad now?

There’s a chance that it’s the brown rice, as it’s more difficult to digest so can cause problems. Perhaps try some white rice next time?

Is this the first time you've had an issue with the carrots? Brown rice is made differently than the wihite rice. Bring a sample of both types of rice with you to an appointment and have the doctors test both types for you and see what they say. Also, bring along some pieces of carrot and have them test that, as well.
Like a hollistic clinic or an actual hospital with doctors and stuff? Sorry if i sound dumb for asking this lol
Also i have just bought a test online that tests for fungal, digestive inflammation, digestive immune system and leaky gut
Any chance that you can get allergy tested at a regular hospital? Do-it-yourself tests may not be very accurate.
Im getting an allergy test done through a regular hospital next week. This test i bought online is legit... they send out the equipment and i take a sample and send it back to them and they run it through their lab.
Sounds superb. Please do share the info and update us. I might consider speaking to my functional dr after having seen this thread.

Will do!
Could it be your reactions are more due to dehydration? There are so many possible causes it could be that to name and shame carrots and rice seems simplistic.
I'd start with how was your health before? Why did you try this fast? Why did you choose rice and carrots? Were the rice & carrots fresh? Was there any flavouring with the rice/carrots, eg salt, soya, oil.
.But I would also wonder if the carrots were organic as you may be reacting to some chemical used to grow them if not.
Im not aware of rice white or brown causing such allergic reactions.
Rice allergy is uncommon but does exist. It’s thought to be a reaction to the protein in rice.
Yeah it's d-day time lol i have to do everything i can to get better so i can live my life.
yes that could be the reason. You should break a fast with a small amount of light food