I am old enough to remember when milk was almost universally acknowledged as an essential food especially for growing children. At that time childhood obesity was extremely rare. One pint a day for each child was recommended and considered so important that schools issued free milk to all school children in special third of a pint bottles. When taken raw, milk from grass fed cows is the best source of calcium for bones and teeth and moreover, the natural fluorine in milk offers much more protection for the teeth than fluorine in water where it cannot be absorbed by the body. Pasteurizing milk spoils it completely as it kills off the beneficial bacteria as well as many of the vitamins and disorganizes the mineral values so that there is little actual food value left. 20% of the iodine is destroyed and the major part of the calcium contained in raw milk is made insoluble by pasteurisation. In fact, pasteurized milk is just a product made from milk. . . it is no longer milk; it is designed for shelf life.
The modern dairy factory processes milk to such an extent that it is barely recognisable as the healthy food it once was when it left the cow. Saturated fats as in milk are essential for babies and young people for proper development of the brain.