been doing my own diet and going to gym took me a month to lose 12lbs
weight loss: been doing my own diet and going... - Healthy Eating
weight loss

Hi.What's your secret.I'm desperate to loses at least one stone.
ive stopped my bread and potatoes an eating meat and veg having ryvits through the day making my own soup ive really cut down and going on treadmill and bikes the bike really good makes u sweat no supper though your body gets used to not eating as much ive got 3 half stone to go to make me 10 stone think that will do as i dont want to lose to much as it will make me look old as im 50
That's a big loss for a month. You maybe should look at slowi g it down as it sounds as if as soon as you start eating normally but sensibly you will just put it on again. Do you really only eat ryvita during the day ? Fruit ? Protein ?
The exercise is great but but without a balanced healthy diet you are not doing your health much good.
Well done for that first 12 pounds though.
do eat loads of fruit and veg and rice im trying my best as i need to lose weight im 4 foot 11 in height i was weighing 15 stone i was out breath and i know ive really cut down to meat veg and fruit and ryvites im weighing now as nearly 13 half its so hard ill do anything not to get there again
Now I see. Sorry. I though you were only eating ryvita and soup !