Hi, Bet I'm not on my own with this moan, but I'm fed up with this weather
Had blood tests last week and this week diagnosed with lack of vitamin D. I've had a booster of vitamin D and been given a course of tablets to take a long term, but like everyone i need the sun to come out so I can sit in the garden and build up my Vit D levels. I think the recommended dose of sunshine is 20 to 35 mins 2 to 3 times a week. (This doesn't mean direct sunbathing, although a little doesn't hurt)
I am able bodied, use a walking stick to help with balance, so why the moan.... well!
I JUST WANT TO GET IN THE GARDEN! (my bit of independence)
To explain,... since the brain haemorrhage 5 years ago (caused by an AVM ) I have lost a lot of my independence. I am not allowed to go out by myself ( balance and safety issues) so depend totally on my husband and friends which is difficult especially when I was so independent before. Hubby and friends work and there isn't much time for me Sorry if I sound needy it's this weather getting me down. I know the rain song, does anyone know a sun song????
Also, Next week me and my husband are finally able to go to our local headway coffee morning. We are both looking forward to this and hope to meet like minded people.
Here's hoping the sun shines on us all soon