I recently got an email from this site as I have not been on it for quite some time. This is not because anything catastrophic has happened, it's just the same old, same old of the accident which never takes a day off reminding you it happened. I am smiling as I write this and encourage everyone to welcome in their little demon with humor as he or she isn't about to relocate any time soon so you may as well make the best of it and welcome them in.
Still game: I recently got an email from this site... - Headway
Still game

Hi, that's a good post. I am trying to let the little demon I have try and be a nice little demon, but honestly a good post to say exactly how you are 😁
Very true words …. Actually for me I quite like some of the new me 😁 I’ve lived my life trying to find the best out of even horrendous events as there really can be a positive in a living hell even if the positive is to help others as you know just how bad life can be .. I’d made my mi up to do this many many years before my TBI and although the darkness times have been black with no light I have survived and helped others and I’m still doing that bit of me just emotionally distant for me but that’s not shown to others I just know I don’t feel the same and with short term memory really bad it quite useful 😁 not sure if that made Sense 😁sue
I really believe there can be positives in everything life throws at us. Sometimes we just have to look a bit harder. Good for you.
It's excellent that you like parts of the new you, to me that's real progress and something I struggled with for far too long. As hard as it might sound, learn to love yourself and move on because the world is still turning and you can still enjoy life on it.
I’ve learnt how to embrace so many things in my life pre accident that has brought me to where I am now .. the tbi was horrendous to deal with but my stubbornness and self drive luckily didn’t go 😊 so yes you are so right the world does go on without you so embrace the new bits you actually might like some of it and what you don’t like do everything you can to improve it as best you can as for me if I have tried just about anything to make it better and I don’t succeed then I find it easier to expect .. Sue 🎄
Listening to a cathedral choir, and agreeing with what everyone has said. 'The angel gabriel from heaven came' has made me feel mellow - let us accept what we have and where we have arrived. Thank you so much for this post.
Keep on smiling and never give up. A year after my BI I was travelling and we passed this place.
So when people say something about that place, I can genuinely say “yes I have been there and returned back”
(Its in Norway in case you were wondering)