So,back into "mamma bear"mode.Formal complaints sent to former care home h/office and c.q.c,currently waiting for a call from new unit manager regarding lack of contact(internet),a hospital appointment,help for heroes nurse thinks is june,and request from legal team wanting to know new g.p details.I will handle it all.Im almost finished a course of tablets for another shingles situation,which i actually dont think i had,but i do have an ear infection.this is all unfortunate as it means i couldnt visit.people are asking why sean isnt responding to msgs(in particular w.h.u news)Poor Nanapal will have popped in to see sean on visits and been bombarded by requests to move this and that!!I know she wont mind,cos she that type of lady,but thanks anywayxxxsee you soon.I will be there friday,assuming of course they havnt put me on "Care watch"!!
"getting on with it": So,back into "mamma bear"mode... - Headway
"getting on with it"

Hi D, I’m not surprised you’re not well, you need to take care of you as well. I’m sure when you’re up to it you will come bounding back, and get all this sorted out . You take care my friend, love Alice xx
You are inspirational - but I worry that you are not taking care of yourself. Mama bear, take care of you - set aside the time, and actually do something which makes you feel relaxed and at ease for 10 minutes. I say it, because I did it myself yesterday. Took a long warm shower, and massaged my feet for 5 minutes each. No it didn't change the world.
But the me that emerged was slightly more together, and a bit better able to breathe easy.
I know I'd be the same D. But running on adrenalin when you're already worn out is a recipe for meltdown ! The odd afternoon of pleasant distractions won't get in the way of important issues ............but it might keep you from making yourself more poorly.
If only we could all put aside worries about stuff we can't fix and use that time to allow ourselves small treats & peace of mind for doing our best, life might be less stressful.. 🤨
Love & hugs (& cuddle for Socks).
E. Xx
Take some time to breathe, you have had quite a run of things over the last year, things may need tweaking, but start gently x
You take care Dogsabighelp x