does anyone still have weakness in legs even though they have been working hard to do exercises for a year and a half yet my legs are still weak and very weak at the end of the day … just wondering if anyone else has the same issues ?? Sue
weakness in legs: does anyone still have weakness in... - Headway
weakness in legs

Hi Sue,
my legs are often the first things to say ‘no’ if Fatigue is setting in. Sometimes I just lay down on the floor. I think I’d like to get up but my legs just say ‘no, we’re having a break.’
I have been suffering the same problem and it turns out I have anaemia. Ask your GP to test your bloods if you haven’t already. Hope this helps.
Hi Sue,
My legs don’t work properly after four and a half years and, the way I am going, I doubt they ever shall again. I need assessment by a neuro-physio but, of course, the useless NHS won’t send me. My hamstrings are permanently tight and all the doctor could advise was to have a look at YouTube! Yes, really! I suffer pain all night and through the day too which is barely touched by paracetamol. If you are receiving any treatment from our shower of a health service, be grateful. It is a postcode lottery.
hi , I have been seen but I get more help from on here and Google .. when I say been seen 1s time in two years by neuro rehab and a couple of times by neuro physio 10months after my fall .. physio was great and couldn’t believe that she hadn’t been seeing me months before and also saw OT same time .. I had already got myself on congestive work as I knew it was so bad . She said I’d done her work for her speech therapy I got a year after accident
I’d also done thing to help that as well .. so like you help is basically non existent !
I’m an extremely motivated person who has done everything I possibly can to get better and am very worried for others that need the non existent support … sorry going back to the beginning I just saw neuro rehab Dr about all the strange pains , memory problems, etc and she could see I look fairly normal and started to talk about when people have bleeds on the brain like I hadn’t .. I reminded her I had several bleeds on the brain to which she said OH!! Let me look at your notes ….. Wow they don’t even know about you and your injury even when sat in front of them … she didn’t actually look at the notes and just said your doing well just keep dosing what your doing as it is all unknown with brain injuries .. hence I just ask on hear as it give me more knowledge then the so called professionals .. apologies that was long sue
Hi Sue. Did you know that you can actually request a 2nd opinion/Dr if you are unhappy with the 1st one? Also have you spoken with your gp re different pain relief as over time the body can readjust to differing or fluctuating levels of how the pain relief effects the body etc. May be best to talk to the gp perhaps. I hope this may help in whatever small way for you xx
In terms of 'giving way' yes - that is what seems to say 'no thank you' even when I haven't been using the legs in particular, but have overdone it in other ways. They seem now, to take up the position of 'lead indicator'. In some ways this is a blessing I think, because the legs feeling weak actually MAKES me stop and sit, or lie down. No anaemia - full bloods done recently. But there it is. Glad to hear that I am not the only one. Happened yesterday, so fresh in my mind. Ironically, the last thing I had to do yesterday was to go and see my GP !!
it’s just our new crazy world sue
Yes - acceptance will come I guess - I am just a year in, and very mild TBI. But it is a new world, and we all look perfectly normal. Some days I actually feel up to most things. But then again, most other days, if I overdo it, the legs go and the tiredness kicks in. It is all about pacing.
The sooner we learn to factor that in, and not expect other people to understand what we are going through, the better it will be for us, I guess. This platform is my outlet - other people with a range of experience, and such amazingly good information. Thank you all for being here.
Yes, my husband complains of weakness in his legs, 4 years in. He does exercise, and goes for walks, but not far and he doesn't enjoy them because of this. So sad.
Yes I do find when fatigued the tops of my legs go to jelly. Really weird that they seem weak as they were engine for my sport pre injury.
it is strange how they get affected with weakness when the muscles seem fine and are being worked on …
I regularly get weakness in the legs. Before Christmas I had a bit of a boost and was walking around quickly, as I would normally do, for a period. As much as I might be physically capable of this at the time, I realise that this is not a good idea and that I am not pacing myself effectively.
It’s the fact that at times I feel “fine” and think to myself that I can just get on with things as normal. Then I have a day like yesterday where ten minutes on my feet is about the limit. It’s not all related to the legs of course, as my head is telling me to stop more than my legs are.
Any.nerve..damage..?? far..?