Wrote this down yesterday but couldn't post it.
Well another year since my bi. 23 years down the line and for some reason instead of being thankful of surviving I could get my mind of the changes it has caused.
It was a total pessimistic day, which is not usually me. I'm not so much a glass half more a keep filling please.
This time there's no celebration, no being thankful of being alive. This time it was a struggle to smile. Its not been a great year so far ( mum died a few months back) but finding it hard to concentrate on the here and know. I thought I had said goodbye to the man I was but find myself searching for him inside of me.
Sorry this is a bit of a moaning post but it was a shock to me to.
God I hate this feeling. It is mot productive but so hard to shake. To make it worse I'm sat in the sun on a holiday I should have taken last year.
Not to worry abnormal service will be resumed shortly.