Hi all. I've just been speaking to Headway over the phone. I was on the phone for 28 mins WOW that's an achievement in itself as I cant speak on a phone. The understanding she had of my struggles everyday was mind blowing and such a relief. I will be forever thankful to you all for allowing me to start sharing my tbi survivor story on here and reading yor comments as done so much for me already...I REALLY ARNT ALONE anymore👌👌👌
Spoke to Headway: Hi all. I've just been speaking to... - Headway
Spoke to Headway
That's really great to hear! The Headway helpline is amazing. I don't know what I would have done without them. Thank you for your post, it's good to hear positive things. 👍🌼
Thankyou for your reply I've lived with my tbi for 37 years until recently when I couldnt pretend anymore and had to admit and to myself and my sons that i have a disabilty in my head and have had it since my Road Accident back in 1983. I'm now on the right path with my old friend/enemy called TBI..thankgod lol👍👍

That's brilliant Stammers! I still remember the utter relief I felt the first time I contacted them. You definitely aren't alone 👍
Isnt it just they were so understanding..I'm so glad I opened my mouth lol 👍

Thank you Stammers! This is really good to hear and I'll pass your comments on to the team .
Blinding news mate. Really pleased that you have had such a positive experience. Warms the cockles of me heart, and restores my faith that there is good to be found. 🍀
Thankyou for yor comment I was so unsure as to wether I should contact Headway or not and its only with support from my 2 sons I was able to make contact..I'm so glad they pushed me..there is still some good in this crazy world 👍
I am so delighted you took that step and it went so well for you, Stammers1!
(I live in Canada and there is no Headway here, though there is a brain injury society, but it isn't as comprehensive as Headway.... point being I can not comment on any personal experience with them.)
Thank you so much for letting us know, keep on keeping us posted.
Thankyou for your comment from across the pond the relief is sumat else I cant get too overexcited about all this as I'll confuse my thinking and I'll end up in chaos lol I never knew about Headway til recently..I shall keep posting on here my progress moving forward..baby steps👌👌👍👍
That’s great Stammers1! Glad you made some headway (pardon the pun) 😂
I love the pun pal thankyou it's been a long time in coming I'll tell ya..I'm here now n not going anywhere👍👍
Yes it’s so good that we’re not alone because the ‘average’ person just can’t even comprehend what it’s like-because it’s not something that’s visible like a broken bone etc.
The biggest effect of my TBI was getting over my speech problem and I agree that phone calls are especially difficult, but to have someone one the other end of the line who really understands this gives me confidence-my TBI was 11 years ago.
My speech is always at its worst if I’m tired or stressed but my sister often says you can make phone calls, but if it’s a ‘business’ call that requires sorting out of information, my brain gets mixed up and I’m unable to take in what they’re asking, or information they’re giving me. This is so very frustrating when I used to be PA to surgeons and spent most of of my like working for/with them.
My spelling has ‘gone to pot’ and I’m often unable to spell even simple words-but predictive text is extremely helpful!👍 Numbers also present a problem but I usually have one of my Support Workers to help with this-and try to give notes rather change in a shop and use my bank card most of the time too.
Thanks for your post Stemmers1.
I especially admire you for giving your name as Stammers1.
I have many of the difficulties with phone calls that you describe. I find them completely exhausting. Even if I make notes and prepare, once the conversation begins, I can get lost and confused really quickly. Thank you for sharing your experiences, it really helps to know that I am not alone in having this happen.
Your welcome I'm happy to share my experiences of living with tbi. Phone calls are a big one for me I am unable to pick up a phone to ring anyone and if some1 rings me I am already up against it as soon as I say hello..I lose track of what's been said very quickly and then instantly start to panic as I know my mind is losing the conversation as soon as it starts as soon as the phone is down it's all gone. You defo arnt alone about phone calls.

Thank you-at least we’re not alone

Thanks again. 🙂
Thankyou for yor comment about speech problems I can relate to yor struggles..I've struggled since the age of 11 about12 months after my TBI my vocabulary is very limited when i have to start conversation with anyone if my family start conversation I can then talk for a while but I become exhausted very quickly trying to to stay on track rest of the time I'm silent it's too much for me when theres too many people talking my mind ends up in bits. I'm sending strength to you as I say yor a warrior 👌👌
Happy for you. This website and community is here for the longer term too. Hopefully we can keep helping each other going forward .
Definitely my friend 💪💪👌👌
Just wanted to mention that talking on the phone counts as multitasking, which is one of the reasons it is difficult for many.
The phone burns my head out completely people dont understand how hard it is for tbi survivors I watch my sons and their friends chatting on phones everyday thinking if only I could but knowing i cant👎