Just an update...spoke with nurse last night,son "sat out" again wed just for 15 mins.managed to squeeze a ball and gave a " slow" high 5!... He is still having some pain( he gets a bit sweaty and temp goes up) so he clearly understands instructions and they are obviously getting him to do things.the bad news....I'm going for first vaccine next week,but when I mentioned it,they said it didn't matter,no one is allowed into hospital except for end of life visits.I made them promise to explain this to him and asked for a consultant to call me for proper update.xx
Morning all: Just an update...spoke with nurse last... - Headway
Morning all

I can't imagine how hard it is on you and on him for the no visitors rule to be in place, but safety has to be their first priority right now.
Is your son able to have a phone with him and/or could staff maybe arrange a video call. I know some places allow and even encourage and facilitate this. Just to see each others faces and for him to hear your voice could be such a boost.
Really good news with your boy, yes pain relief be on going for a while and normal with fracture especially support needed with physical movement. Im hope up date from consultant comes soon, and im really saddened they stated about vaccination not having difference with there policy.
I hope face call is promoted soon.
I'm sure it'll all come together before too long D. There's already talk of one designated visitor being allowed into nursing homes, and there's enormous pressure on the government to allow moderated hospital visits. Your boy's progress is looking promising though.... Take care m'dear. xx
Hi, so glad to hear your son is slowly coming on. You mentioned he has pain as he gets sweaty and his temperature goes up, the sweatiness yes can be related to pain but not a rise in temperature. Signs of pain we look for are rises in heart rate, respiratory rate and BP. Never temperature, a rise in temperature is an inflammatory response to an infection or sometimes it can be due to a brain injury (but unlikely in your son at this stage). Next time you speak to the hospital ask them if they have checked his infection markers (white cell count and CRP).
I know it’s really hard not being able to see him. I was in your shoes last year, despite being staff. Hospitals are slowly starting to change the visiting, for example one dedicated person to visit for a booked hour slot. So I’m sure it won’t be too much longer before you can see him.
Stay strong, but please get his rise in temperature checked out as that is not a symptom of pain. X
Oh it's so nice to hear this progress, consider where you were 2 weeks ago even!!!! This process is so frustrating being far away. We took a tablet in to my husband so he had a designated device and set up Skype. Meant that the staff had to be on board. We also bought a clamp to put it in because he couldn't hold it. And then we could schedule appointments to call. Eventually we got to the point where we would call randomly and he would answer. It was tough in the beginning. I hear things are starting to loosen up on the visitation front. Is he moving to a rehabilitation unit or staying in the hospital?As far as the temp goes out may be time to start making a nuisance of yourself. Phoning a few times per day. Asking about his "inflammatory markers" and whether there is cause for concern for infection. Are there any plans for antibiotics. My husband's aspiration pneumonia had come back and they were not urgently treating it. We have been making a nuisance of ourselves ever since.
Thanks for advice,meant heart rate( not temp) you right tho going to have to ask a lot more questionsx
Honestly between myself, my sister in law and my brother in law within those 1st weeks. We had a wobble with the hospital and decided that we would NEVER let go or trust. Don't get me wrong there were some brilliant nurses and health assistants as well as a really good consultant but we had something go very wrong in the beginning and as a result started a bit of an assault. It doesn't mean that because we can't visit, that we are not there. We want to know what's going on with our Daniel members in this critical awful time. Real, full information. Ask to speak to physio (the they can call whenever is convenient). And also for a good phonecall from one of the consultants. Make yourself heard. Initially I was very nice and gentle. I'm not quite so nice anymore. But it's wonderful to hear that your son is so engaging. This is such a good sign as far as I understand. Work with him and them on that. Did you say yes 38? Does he have a partner at all or a pet?
He's 38 (I use Swype in my phone and sometimes it doesn't understand me 😆)
Hi o,son is 36, no partner just me!I've got his beloved dog " socks" with me who misses him so much.you are right until he gets to the rehab unit I've got to start asking more questions and pinning someone down to phone me once a week with full update.
Aw "Socks"! How is your son getting on today?
Hi o,not rang hospital yet find you get more input ringing evenings,having bit of a cry.my lovely neighbours brought me some chocs for mothers day( I forgot). What a nice thing to do sobbed like an idiot!then I did something VERY stupid..."socks" has this way of looking at me so I gave him a choc(I know I shouldn't have) of course 5 mins later he was sick...but I feel sorry for him he misses " dad" need fine now but I've had 2 chocs and he still looking at me.....
Socks sounds a cracker, don't be fooled by those begging looks, I know it's not nice, but good on him for being sick (onions and raisins are even more toxic). I hate dogs begging, I have always trained them that begging doesn't get rewarded, but I have always had big lumps than gush slobber. The still give the sneaky eye out just in case 😉
Bless you. Not exactly the best mother's Day, but I'm sure that connection with socks is a furry comfort.
Ex nurse talking, morning shifts are hell, to much to do, not enough time, evenings are generally more relaxed. xx
Oh poor socks. He knows what side his bread is buttered on with you now...the giver of the tasty, naughty treats😆. Our dog is an absolute pain in the neck with that sort of thing and my husband is a total soft touch with giving her random treats🙄. That's so nice that your neighbours thought to bring you something, and sometimes you just need a bit of a cry. ❤️
I had this when my partner was in hospital, this week, because he is in rehab now, I have been allowed to visit. Once your son is in rehab I'm sure you will get to visit. I don't think my partner would have understood why I couldn't visit and this was a constant source of anxiety for me. From what I have read on here, most relatives are affected by this more than the patient, so bear this in mind.
My partner constantly struggled with maintaining his temperature and sometimes it was related to infection and sometimes not, he mostly had a Dyson fan aimed at him in the early days and, more often than not, his temperature was controlled by paracetamol. I'm sure they will be keeping a check on his infection markers but good to check so they know you are on the ball.
Take care x
Hi it sounds like everything is moving in the right direction. I am really pleased for you and your son.
Turning the bad news into something a bit more positive. You are getting your your first vaccination. That is one step closer to visiting eventually. Ok currently they don't allow visitors, but that will change.
When you talk to the consultant, try to arrange a regular call, yes they are still working hard so be realistic, but in setting a regular time table of calls, it is one thing less for you to chase. Negotiate a time that suits both your needs. It will help the consultant, and relieve some of your stress.
Keep us posted x
It is very difficult to balance the need for acknowledging the world we live in at present alongside what we are assured by consultants we need. I am fortunate in that I can live with having to wait and I am mindful of any signs that would suggest I need to seek intervention immediately. I do not envy those who have to make decisions on what is of the highest priority.
Of course, the demands of Trudie Da Dog ensure I never forget who the world revolves around and whilst this can be exhausting, it does ensure I have plenty to think about during the day that isn't health and financial implications related, the benefits of which people will either understand or they won't!