Stroke that caused brain hemorrhage, 22 days & sti... - Headway


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Stroke that caused brain hemorrhage, 22 days & still not fully conscious.

butterflybee1218 profile image

Hi all!

I’m new to this group, & I apologize in advance if my post is unrelated to the topics shared in the group. My father had a stroke on 1/8/21 that caused some brain hemorrhage. He is 65 but other than his high blood pressure, that he tried to keep control of, he was in great health before this happened. It was so sudden. The night before he was completely normal, he worked a full day, came home, complained of a slight headache & the next morning, everything happened. He is stable and alive, and I am very grateful for that. I know it could have been a lot worse. However, throughout the course of these 22 days, he has not fully regained his consciousness back. He will open his eyes sometimes & has been moving his limbs slightly. On a good day he will open his eyes a little when being spoken to but then close them again after a few seconds. He had a shunt placed & a tracheostomy performed about a week or two ago, he was moved from the ICU to a rehabilitation hospital specifically for his brain injury care. I understand that the brain is very fragile, and it takes different people different amounts of time for it to fully heal in order for them to regain consciousness. I also know that the brain is remarkably powerful & can do great things to heal itself. I’m sure the road of recovery ahead is very long, I just want him to wake up soon so that he can start it.

I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this with themselves for a loved one, and how long it took for them to come back around. If you have read this far, from the bottom of my heart thank you. This journey was so unexpected & I am just looking for some support as well as a little hope. Thank you all, bless you xx

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butterflybee1218 profile image
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10 Replies
Kezza72 profile image

Hi, sorry to hear about your Dad. I am an ICU nurse, plus my daughter had a brain injury last year and was in my ICU. It is still very early days for your Dad. I’ve nursed many patients with a brain haemorrhage and each case takes differing amounts of time to show signs of improvement. Only three weeks in your Dads brain will still be cerebrally irritated, it takes time for the blood to disperse and for swelling to go down. When I think back to how my daughter was when she was first woken in ICU, I remember the same fears and concerns, and I’m medically trained. My daughter came on leaps and bounds in the rehab ward, but it could be months and months before you see any signs of improvement. The brain is a complexed organ and each case is different. I’m afraid I cannot offer you definitive answers, just give him time and don’t give up hope. Trust me I’ve seen patients who we thought wouldn’t have any quality of life (my daughter included) go on to prove everyone wrong.

butterflybee1218 profile image
butterflybee1218 in reply to Kezza72

Thank you so much, Kezza. I wish all nurses were like you when it comes to understanding that my father just simply needs time. The nurses and doctors at his hospital before were in such a hurry for him to wake up and made it seem like it was abnormal that he wasn’t “awake” even just 6 days after the incident!! Their reactions caused my family to worry even more, but the hospital he is at now is much more understanding and plans to give him the time he needs. I’m happy to hear your daughter recovered! It’s very scary but thank you for assuring me that it just takes time, it means a whole lot coming from an ICU nurse themself who has dealt with patients similar to my father before, as well as had a personal experience with a loved one. Thank you again!

Kezza72 profile image
Kezza72 in reply to butterflybee1218

No problem glad I could help to reassure you. Wishing you all the best x

Shreds profile image

Welcome bb1218, as you can see the responses here are always helpful whether from former patients or those with medical skill and knowledge.

Main thing is, do not give up hope. Whilst the process of recovery is slow, you are correct and the brain has powers of self healing given calmness and time.

My own brain trauma was not a stroke, but many here can comment better than I can on those circumstances, but I have friends and colleagues who have come through it and that must be your ultimate target.

As said, every case is different and the damage at this stage unknown.

Read Falling and Laughing; the Restoration of Edwyn Collins by Grace Maxwell, about her partner/husband having a stroke at a surprisingly young age. Its inspirational as well as a good read.

butterflybee1218 profile image
butterflybee1218 in reply to Shreds

Thank you for your words of encouragement, Shreds. I’m getting better at understanding that it just takes time and hope, especially when dealing with the brain. And thank you as well for the book recommendation, I will definitely check it out and give it a read!

cat3 profile image

Hello Bb and welcome. My Subarachnoid haemorrhage was 9 years ago and all the details I have are from family as I've no recollection whatsoever of my admission, or of ICU. Once I regained some awareness (around 5 weeks) my daughter feared I'd be permanently cognitively impaired as I hallucinated, talked none stop gibberish and constantly pulled out tubes and catheters. I insisted she was a neighbour which she found upsetting.

I've retained slight glimpses of the recovery ward, but my memory seems to have kicked in more clearly after transfer to the rehab ward, approx 2 months on.

I apparently sleep walked as soon as I could stand ; just another odd (short term) behaviour, and one which shocked my son & daughter.

After 6 months I was cleared for driving again. and nine years on I'm living a near to normal life apart from some fatigue, mobility and word-recall issues. I'll always be SO grateful to the wonderful staff and my brilliant surgeon who I met 3 months after discharge.

So just a brief version of my fairly typical case to offer some reassurance of the possibilities you face m'dear ! Hope it helps a little .... Cat x

butterflybee1218 profile image
butterflybee1218 in reply to cat3

Hi, Cat! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story as well as the things you faced during your recovery. It gives me so much hope and encouragement, I’m so glad that you recovered and got through it! Thank you again for your kind and encouraging words!

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to butterflybee1218

💐 xx

TaIaV profile image

Hi Butterfly, So sorry about your father. He is just a bit older than me. He's got a lot of living to do!

I do not have personal experience with strokes to add. You might consider using some of this "waiting" time to read about brain plasticity. It is impossible to know what effects the stroke will have over time, but reading about how the brain can work around damaged areas may be useful and practical and hopeful. There is some good material related to strokes in the book "The Brain that heals itself", but there are probably other good sources.

Wishing all of your family peace and increasing health.


Headshrink profile image

I would be patient it may take a bit longer. I was 47 when i had my stroke and was unconscious for a month so it will probably take him a bit longer at his age. Good luck

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