I’ve posted on here a few times as it’s the only place people help with their experiences, my brother suffered a tbi 17 month ago and being informed by his consultant he is no longer minimally conscious he said his brain is now in the process of waking up...I took my son to see him who hadn’t been to see him in about 4 weeks and when he seen him he just burst out crying , I’ve seen him cry many times over our journey but this was utter devastation , he’s spoke once last year since the incident but hasn’t since. Is there anyone out there who has experienced this its like he is coming back slowly , I’m confused I’m hurting as much as the day it happened, has anyone experienced this any advice would be very much appreciated
Out of minimally conscious but still not fully awake - Headway
Out of minimally conscious but still not fully awake

I haven't been through this but just wanted to send you a hug. Every step forward is a massive cause for celebration and his brain will heal at it's own pace as I'm sure you know already, so just carry on doing what you're doing...sounds like you're really being there for him. You're amazing. Keep us all updated. Ax

Thanks so much for your kind words it means so much
My husband was minimally conscious for about 2 months and my advice would be to just keep talking, massaging, playing music, showing pictures, etc. Keep stimulating his brain as well as all 5 senses but allow plenty of quiet time too. This is a big step. You may see some great things coming now! What has changed that his consultants feel he is waking up?? Im just curious.
Chin up, this is a great sign
Yes we do exactly as you mentioned and to also allow quiet time for over stimulation I have spent so many hours reading up on this , taking all advice giving so we can rest our mend we are doing it correctly, we took him to see his consultant due to a little problem with fluid build up where they had fitted his metal plate due to the left side of his skull being removed at the time of the accident and the consultant said I can’t quite believe what’s sat in front of me basically he should of died that day the surgeon just tried , I mentioned the minimally conscious state and he said oh no he’s no longer in that stage I asked how , he said ask him for a hug which I did and got one he said ask him to pull your hair which he did , he went on to say I’m watching him now as we are all talking , family, the physio team and consultant and he’s watching whoever is talking , he’s jst scratched his nose spontaneously and just said that he is now in the stage of his brain waking up . No time Frame he said could be 4 year before we know what we are going to left with . He identifies different objects with his occupational thearapist , and also writes his name and has spoke once last year shouted for our Mam, I just took the medical professional word for it and we went with the flow as it was good news to us , I hope you and your husband are doing ok
Those are awesome things ! My hubby was finally recognized as "waking up" by giving us a kiss. Love conquers all i guess. Keep encouraging him, hes there. I too constantly researching and reaching out. Keep us updated.
I was the same 2yrs ago so keep talking to him, he will know everything that’s going on but just can’t reply just yet . Big hugs xx
Thank you for your reply and I hope you are doing ok , can I ask you was there a time you could not speak? It’s like he tries so hard then gets frustrated, I found yesterday touching his nose was yes and his head was no well it seemed that way all questions I was asking him
Although I could hear everything people were saying around me , I couldn’t think fast enough to say the words and answers . He will be very frustrated but hopefully it will come in time x
Hi sorry to hear about your loved one. I noticed my partner coming out of vs today. It’s been 4 moths and as first his eyes tracked me and he managed to show agitation and fear in his eyes as he realised where he may be. He tried to remove his cuff on his wrist and kept trying to sit up.
I did everything everyone said music to tastes smells etc . Sensory stimulation daily really helps. Also I found bilateral beats on you tube really help the brain wake up. Try the . Beta & theta frequency.
I also played ; dogs barking, babies crying this really gets a reaction! c, phone ringtone old Nokia evolution , iPhone message notification, and other normal daily sounds. Keep praying and hopefully you will see the horizon soon. Bless you both and hugs.
I just wanted to let everyone who has took their time to reply to my post , the care home sent me the best photograph ever last night , my brother wrote my name !!! He has wrote his in the past a few times and my sisters but never mine . I can’t quite believe it