Sorry if this is in the wrong place any brain injury related books or podcasts anyone can recommend? Thank you
Books and podcasts : Sorry if this is in the wrong... - Headway
Books and podcasts

Book, 'The ghost in my brain' Elliot Clarke, about living with and recovering from PCS.
I've read autobiographies but nothing dealing specifically with a SAH or other acquired brain bleeds.
However there's a Netflix documentary entitled 'My Beautiful Broken Brain' produced by Lotje Sodderland (with input from David Lynch) documenting her experience of an intracerebral haemorrhage.
It's worth watching, and much of it will feel familiar, especially the struggle to regain basic functions, memory issues and the coming to terms with permanent changes.
Lotje's aftercare was far and away more intensive than the norm, but many of us reach a similar level & limit to progress, regardless of therapy, although timelines vary.
Cat x
Yes I do one every Sunday 8pm at the moment discussing relationships with family, friends & work after Brain injury. It’s on IGTV @kavita_basi I will be putting reminders on here ! Hope you can watch and listen in. Instagram tv
I also have my book Room 23 surviving a Brain Hemorrhage please check where to buy on
Hope this helps
The one I refer people to is "You look great"
Which addresses one of the key problems, to look at us we do look great.
This is a superb film but holds nothing back and is very emotionally challenging and only watch it, if you are feeling strong.
"Recovery" tells the story of a high flying Building Project manager whom gets a TBI and show how his life and relationships fall apart afterwards. It is an incredible piece of acting by all involved - especialy David Tennant and Sara Parish
If I remember correctly Headway played a huge part in the development of the project.
Again only watch if you are feeling emotionally strong
Thanks for that Sos ; I wanted to mention the David Tennant film but couldn't remember the title ! x
No problem.
A very poignant film on the effects on the individual and the family dynamics. Whilst I (hopefully) was as bad with mood swings as the main character it did give me a big shake up on how to moderate my moods.
Ooh the mood swings 😒😫🤔😏….. It's a hell of a learning curve getting those levelled out !
I've found the film on YouTube so going to settle down with it after dinner. ….Might have coffee & cake and feel thankful I'm on this side of the screen.
I remember how believable David Tennent & Sarah Parish were ; their performances were top notch.
Hope you and Mrs Sos are both doing ok.... xx
As a typical bloke, I don't do sensitivity that well but that had the same effect as some of the old lassie films - there were tears.....
Sarah Parish's performance as the other half craving the warmth of a relationship was really painful to watch.
With all the issues people have post injury, they become quite introverted and build "walls" around them to protect themselves. What we don't realise is the walls also keep out the people we care for out as well.
Just finished watching it......and there were a few tears.
I liked the brain damage analogy from Jim Carter (Mr. Lockwood) of the permanent traffic jam/road closed and having to try a longer and unfamiliar way home.
I never quite dismantled my walls and it's cost me quite a few relationships, but I'm so much more self sufficient these days. Take care Sos…………….. x
Not at all ; I feel quite cowardly ! But I have brilliant close family and neighbours who I see regularly and I do branch out if there's a big occasion for extended family. My past friends are from my drinking/smoking/'wilder' days so just don't have the wherewithal. x