Following the car crash my husband was involved in 14 months ago he has diffuse axonal injury. My husband now lives with carers 24/7 as he is awaiting a leg operation. Recently our 3 and a half year old daughter has started to notice more that her Dads not how he used to be. When we stayed at my husband's house last night my daughter said she gets angry with her daddy because he doesn't love her. I explain that he loves her loads and that sometimes his head is poorly, she said he doesn't as he never smiles or talk to her. It breaks my heart as I'm almost starting to resent my husband for making her feel that way but I know it's not his fault. Please could anyone recommend any books for me to help her with this. I feel so selfish as I've bought myself books on how to deal with brain injury but none about helping children.
Helpful books to help children coping with parents... - Headway
Helpful books to help children coping with parents brain injury

There's a children's book on Amazon entitled 'Amanda's Fall' which explains in rhyme and pictures how a bang to the head can sometimes cause problems other than just a bruise. It's not a scary book but would probably be best read with, or to, the child by an adult.
Also, here's a link to 'Brainline' showing suggestions of ways to talk about brain injury to children :-
Hope this helps...… Cat x
My daughters are a bit older (9&7) are there any other books you would recommend for children. Their dad is doing well physically after a SAH at the end of September but suffers from Aphasia, which we all find difficult to cope with. Thanks
Yes Frodo, if you follow the 'Brainline' link above then scroll down the text there's a further link with details of a book titled 'A Kid's Guide To Brain Injury'. suitable for ages 6-14.
I couldn't find a link there for downloading or purchase but, if you Google the title then follow the Headway link, you'll be able to download and print it out from there :-
A Kid’s Guide to Brain Injury
A guide for parents and children
Download a_kids_guide_to_brain_injury – Publication in pdf format
(size : 3224k)
Cat x
PS....very early days yet for your husband. All best wishes... x
Hi im so sorry for what you are going through.. I'm not able to offer any words of wisdom. I can though totally understand how incredibly challenging and upsetting this situation is for you and think it's natural to have the feelings you are having even though obviously your husbands lack of response to your daughter isn't his fault... It must still be deeply upsetting to you all. I really hope the book Cat recommended helps in some way. Please also give yourself permission to feel these uncomfortable and contrary emotions nevermind how much parts of you resist having them. "If you were truly being kind to yourself today what would you choose to be for yourself?" is a question I use as a mum of a son with TBI when I get lost in the swarm of contradictory emotions. We are human not machines.... Being kind to ourselves is a muscle that needs exercising daily.... I'm saying this as I need to hear it myself today. Thanks for sharing... Wishing you love and kindness. X Ley