Firstly I would really like to thank all the lovely people that responded to my bad day post. Everybody offered really helpful and supportive advice.
Although I’m extremely glad that I now believe that my anger and aggression is only a very small symptom of my brain injury, the real underlying reason is very sad. I just want to add I’m not putting this post on here to tell everybody that I knew somebody famous, it’s just that the story and information may help another person that finds themselves in a similar situation to my friend.
So 17 days after my discharge from hospital, an old friend of mine hung him self. You may be aware of it because it was on the news and in the newspapers. My old friend was Keith Flint, the frontman of The Prodigy. We met when we were young teenagers. He lived literally 5 minutes from the town I live in. We were friends for a few years after he made it big, but then he began to date a girl that was in the public eye and she hated his friendship with me which was ridiculous as we had only ever been friends.
Obviously I was devastated by his death. Even though I hadn’t seen him in years, I have really good fond, memories. He was very interesting, funny and wonderfully talented.”
So next comes what I want you all to know. I knew about Keith’s mental health problems but I never knew about his prescription drug addiction. As a nurse I know prescription drug addiction is taking over the popularity of street drugs. I have looked after so many individuals that have found themselves in this situation. Keith had a mixture of alcohol, cocaine and codeine in his system. What I hope you all remember is that painkillers such as codeine, Tramadol, are all opiates and are highly addictive. Also benzodiazepines such as Diazepam, Amitriptyline, temazepam are all highly addictive as well. Doctors hand these things out like sweets but never warn you of the risks and they will provide repeat prescriptions without checking if you are coping ok. All opiates metabolise into morphine in the human system and so does heroin! In our position with our injury we are often offered opiates for pain or medication to help us sleep. I want everyone to know what the risks of this type of medication is. I just want all you lovely supportive people to be safe and in a knowledgeable position to look after yourselves.
I wish all you wonderful people good health, peace, happiness and lots of luck for your futures,
Take care my lovelies,