Does anyone else find traveling exhausting its a new thing im experiancing i feel like i need to leave 6 hours early to get a train and prepare myself to travel (i left my flat at 11am and navigating the centre on bus to get to the train station jeeeewz bcc/first why make it so hard to use public transport) and when i got checked it i ran around for a hour and half unpacking and making it feel homely (again something new to me) and now i am just relaxing while my pot of homely tea is brew and omg the exhaustion has hit me this is something i can not get use to im now even that old and fighting the rain and wind to get to and from the train station didnt help it flared my asthma up this has to be more than just dehydration which is wjat my gp put it down to last week after i had my blood test down i may have a little recovery nap before i get changed into my evening wear to go to the club house as its a custom thing for me to do every night
Travel exhaustion: Does anyone else find traveling... - Headway
Travel exhaustion
I really struggle with exhaustion following a long journey even though I lost my license and am just a passenger. The whole public transport system is also a nightmare. The planning, anxiety etc is all consuming. A one stop taxi I can deal with but then it’s the cost.
Anything not normal I find exhausting, the more going on the worse it appears to be.
I get shattered as we had to go to Wales and I really was not well so rather than let my hubby down I asked for lots of pit stops, we stopped 3 times but I meant 5 ha Got there run straight for bathroom, we stayed the night but got up early but in the night I had a seizure it was my bodys way of telling me I overdid it. Had seizures since puberty so nothing to do with SAH but I was shattered xxx...Have water when you are out as our brain needs water Good luck Bexx Take it Easy !!!
Started puberty in the self induced coma so i know i was put into a reseach study called kids head injury encrodine study to see how brain injury and pubery effect each other my profile pick mri scan is from my 10 year review because the nhs love people like me and how i rip up thier book of neurology and re write it
Travel is one of my high energy drain activities. Over 2 hours and I am wasted the next day or even for 2 days. That is just being a passenger in a car or taxi. I have not tried public transport outside of the local vicinity, it just takes too long and is not sufficiently convenient or reliable.