I4 years on from a TBI, I am still trying and mostly failing , to be as independent as possible. I constantly, however, constantly experience difficulties with train travel. I live in Wales but the problems are not only with Transport for Wales (although they ofen are as I use them the most).
Station enquiry offices have all but disappeared anf finding a staff member is rare, especially at less busy stations.
I buy tickets online and store on my phone. Then the problems begin .....and usually end up with me, panic striken on a platform, having missed the train I needed.
The large information boards, change information far too quickly with no thought for those of us in society, who need more thinking time
I am usually only halfway down the list of names when the whole lot changes. Why is it not possible to have a series of 'Argos-type' screens that can be looked at, individually, at a suitable pace? Perhaps with the ability to increase font size and have audio also.
eTickets present problems in that they only tell me where I depart and where I get off. No information on the ultimate destination of the train, which is the detail necessary to get to the correct platform and train.
I have no idea why, when station staff are available to ask, I have often been signposted to the wrong platform!
The anxiety of finding out, too late, is off the scale.
I now try to ask two separate members of staff and if I receive differing answers, try to remedy it before setting off to the wrong platform.
A recent train journey from Cardiff to Rogerstone resulted in me missing a funeral. I was told the platform number to wait at, which required leaving the station, walking a short way outside and taking another entrance door back in. I waited at platform zero only to discover, with 3 minutes before departure, the train had been diverted to leave from another platform. I, nor others waiting, had not heard tannoy announcements as throughout the wait time, a huge diesel engine was on the track immediately in front of me with it's extremely loud engine running. If I had heard the announcement, I would not have found my way to the other platform in time. I returned to the ticket staff, sobbing, to be repeatedly told the change had been announced. I have had many such problems and fear they are getting worse.