hi, i really need some advice and guidance. my partner was in an accident at work on 13th Feb this yr. he's a refrigeration engineer & there was a gas explosion in the trailer he was working on, sustained a severe traumatic brain injury, was in a medically induced coma for 10 days and been in post traumatic amnesia since. he was moved to our local major trauma centre as one he was in was 100 odd miles away due to where accident happened, although he was agitated, confused, emotional etc he seemed as comfortable there as he could be and the staff are all fab there with caring for the PTA. he was moved to our local hospital. The hospital he left assured me the local hospital had the staff there who could care for the PTA. heartbreakingly, they do not! he is currently on a cardiology ward. when i raised my concerns they said it is one of their quieter wards and they are experienced in 'challenging behaviours'. i know the move was bound to unsettle him but I've been called back to the hospital a few times as they're unable to settle him. his sister spent the night with him, and his brother stayed with him some of the day. however moving forward it's just not feasible we can be with him constantly. they have assigned someone to stay with him, but even with 2 family members and 3 staff there yesterday he still managed to escape the ward and is constantly agitated, they are giving him meds to calm him but of course they don't work the whole time. I've been told he has been referred to a rehab centre. i rang them yesterday out of sheer frustration that he isnt getting the specialist care i think he should be. they said they thought he still had the tracheostomy in, as he hasn't they'll try and get the neurosurgeon out on Monday to assess him.
so my questions to you guys;
is it normal for PTA patients to be on a ward where there is no staff who specialise in PTA?
how long does it take after assessment for funding to be approved and a bed to become available?
I'm at a total loss here, just doesn't seem right and I just don't know what to do
thank you