I DID IT!! : Yipee! I did it! I paced myself today... - Headway


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deborah27 profile image
19 Replies

Yipee! I did it! I paced myself today. I got out of bed gently without too much stiffness and sat on the side of the bed for a while. I made myself a good breakfast, taking my time and all in the correct order. I fed my cat. I ate my breakfast on the sofa in front of the tv. I sat back and I gently massaged my legs with biofreeze, ooh lovely. I took my time going upstairs to get washed, went into my bedroom and sat on the bed again for a few minutes. I made my bed and put my cushions back on. Sat down again for a few moments. I got my clothes and got washed. Just took time out after that and sat until the vacant feeling lessened and I felt ready to get dressed and put make-up on. Hair could wait. I needed to put coal on the fire, procrastinated for about half an hour. Fighting fatigue now, heavy legs and the usual stuff. I looked around and thought of all the things that need done. Hoovering, windows, mopping, washing, shopping, dishes, family stuff... Thought I can't do all that today, just a bit at a time. I finished doing everything important after getting lunch and doing dishes. I had completed most things and I wasn't in as much pain as usual and the exhaustion was no worse. The time? Oh yes it was 4.40. Wow!

PROBLEM IS... I am a part-time teacher and have to be out the door by 8.40. I know why I generally feel so unwell and look worn out and frazzled! Lol

I am sure many many of you can relate. Not sure how else to do this, not in a position to change anything more. Would love to hear any of your coping strategies.

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deborah27 profile image
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19 Replies
cat3 profile image

Well done girl. I do know that pacing is the answer but all too often break the rule ; it needs discipline too doesn't it ? We can only do what we can do, and settling for that saves so much stress.

I started today feeling really anxious about impending appointments, errands, chores, but gave myself a firm talking-to (out loud) about staying in methodical mode. Got it all done and happily watching 'The Chase' on plus 1. So for me it's lists, and frequent checking that I'm not getting ahead of myself. xx

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to cat3

Thank you Cat, it is not easy especially when things were not a problem in the past and are the sort of person who likes to get things done. I do many things in my head lol, from the gardening to decorating. More time in dreamland these days. We keep going don't we, I am thankful that I can do as much as I can. A few £million might help, I could be a lady who lunches...

cat3 profile image
cat3 in reply to deborah27

Funny you should mention that Deborah. I'm now of an age where I'm retired and, every Tuesday, my sister-in-law and I go for lunch followed by some 'light' shopping then coffee & cake. One day m'dear…….one day ! xx

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to cat3

Sounds great, very posh lol. I think I will do that too and maybe buy a purple hat.... Xx

Shon48 profile image

Well done . Makes you feel you have accomplished something. I’m like Cat , retired and can do things in my own time which makes a huge difference. I have a Tuesday out with my friend for lunch , or should I say she eats and I look envious . Nice to get out but I’m shattered when I get home .

Still have an afternoon lie down to ease the heavy head and usually in bed about 6pm . Still a long time for improvement but it will come , as it will for you . 👏👏👏👏🤗🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Shona xx

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to Shon48

Thank you Shona, I won't lose sight of days to come. X

WinB profile image
WinB in reply to deborah27

Well Done Deborah, I was always a morning person and then off out with pals.

Now I wake up turn TV on and so depressing I turn it off, wait for hubby to tell me coffee is ready and soon get up then ha ha. Glad you have done things it is like you have achieved something. So glad you had a good day keep that in memory and more to come xx I remember my 1 day when I never felt heady and was happy and they become more and more ...So keep doing what you are doing it is working xxxx

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to WinB

Thank you for your post. Good to be reminded that we are all in this together. X

Kazzy4 profile image

Well done!! I had to giggle at this as it sounds like you have been doing too much previously... not unlike myself!!!

I seem to have one good day one bad day

Today is a good day I have stripped the bed and got the washing machine on!

I’ll massively over do it and then pay the price tomorrow as I never seem to learn!!

How long since your op?


boxergirl777 profile image

Well done Deborah....

I know what your talking about....since my bi house always looks like I've been burgled!

It's clean but it looks like chaos, if not at work i'm to tired or zoned out to actually do the other stuff that needs doing....it takes so much effort and i feel exhausted,

I'm up for work at 5:45am just manage to work but when home everything is effort.

I keep going and i'm doing small jobs , i won't stop trying,....

Hope you get to where you wanna be :)

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to boxergirl777

That is me too, go to work and can manage little or nothing else. Of course people don't see the serious effort that goes into getting into work in the first place. Thanks for post, we are all in this together.

Kazzy4 profile image

Ask a friend or family member to help out or if you’re in a position to do so hire someone once a fortnight... it’s hravenly to come home to!


deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to Kazzy4

Thank you, I am thinking the same thing. It would be worth it, it is an option for me.

boxergirl777 profile image
boxergirl777 in reply to Kazzy4

Sadly not option for me.....i'm swimming up river without any chance of someone throwing me a life belt.....i just hope one day i can finally reach the other side :)

Kazzy4 profile image
Kazzy4 in reply to boxergirl777

Boxer girl you WILL get there! X

boxergirl777 profile image
boxergirl777 in reply to Kazzy4

Thank you kazzy......i hope so :)

Kazzy4 profile image
Kazzy4 in reply to boxergirl777

Believe in yourself!

I went to work yesterday only for 1&3/4 hours l, 29 days after aneurysm coiling

Felt great! Tired me out enough so I was in bed for 9! But so pleased I went in!


boxergirl777 profile image
boxergirl777 in reply to Kazzy4

It never ceases to amaze me how strong us bi folks are??

Well done Kaz....keep that up ....it's empowering to read....xx

bexx87 profile image

Well done for putting the effort and not giving up.

I spend a year and half suffering from mental exhaustion where i would drag myself into work, somehow do 7 hours, come home, collapse and sleep for 12 to get up and do it all again.

I finally found a gp who gave me much needed sick leave and i spent the first month being unable to get out of bed in the morning, if i was to have a shower it would take 1 hour mental prep, 20 mins to have said shower and then a 1 hoir recovery time, i have my living set up so i can lounge in bed and if i need to sit down while making coffee i can, thankfully i hope to have regained my mental strength back so im hoping when i go back into work things will be in place so dont spiraling down and what makes me more hopeful is there has been a press release about how staff get treated where it has prompted a radio interview feom our mayor where when i was listening 3 things stood out to me:

Point1: improvement needs to start with his staff first before tackling how peole are treated outside the organisation (i had similar thoughts a few months ago)

Point2: improving mental health and sucide thoughts within staff

Point3: having improved confidence for staff to raise issues and not feel victimised

(If anyone wants to listen to the interview it starts around the 1:35 mark


Since having time off i have been to reconnet with myself and focus on me and my mental health without external locusts as they are call interfering and it feels nice so dont be too hard on yourself for not getting everything done remember rome wasnt built in a day

And when it snowed i was too scared to go out for fear of slipping so my neighbour quite happily got me some shopping on his way home from work because i was running out much to the mis understanding of friends who thought i was being pure lazy which my neighbour knew i wasnt as he knows how proactive i am with my life but it was due to lack of confidence and my mental health was still bad so i was grateful for his understanding and secretly i even beated myself up saying how stupid i was for being scared of snow, im a 31 year old women, snow shouldnt made feel locked in the flat ect ect ect

I did at one point do chores ect in the middle of the night as i didnt have the energy in the day and when i have chores commanding i do them i tell them no you will be there tomorrow still waiting for me so im doing you on my terms and i refuse to guilty myself (unless that is i have visitors or a flat inspection where i have to force myself to make the flat look presentable but even that is a slow 3 day process to not pressure myself i can get this flat sparkling in 3 hours but its all based on how much energy my body lets me use)

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