Please tell me that the mood swings get better after transitioning medicines. I was on tegretol which was actual hell on earth for me. I felt dead, had terrible mood swings, I felt like I was looking down on myself and I could see how was behaving and it even scared me to a certain extent. I'm now in the process of ditching the tegretol and slowly weeing on to lamotrigin. The mood swings have slightly improved in my opinion but considering I just screamed and snapped at my parents today I wouldn't say they're fully gone. The epelipsy and fit specialist told me it would stop the psycho mood swings as well as the fits. I'm not saying that I don't trust that doctors know what they're doing and talking about, but I have been promised stuff to do with my condition and it hasn't happened
Mood swings: Please tell me that the mood swings get... - Headway
Mood swings

i take topiramate for my epilepsy and tegretol for my behavior........ive been diagnosed with opd which is a behaviour problem and my psychiatrist says it doesnt matter what he gives me, it wont make any difference, ill remain the same.
Trust your gut instinct when it comes to your doctor's recommendations. Unfortunately they don't know everything and how their prescribed treatments will actually affect you. They have an idea, but every individual can react differently to the same treatment. Whenever you feel things are wrong voice it intently and don't so anything that you don't feel right about. You after all are the one who will have to live through the side effects etc of the prescribed treatments, not the doctors. Doctors make educated guesses as to what they think will help you. Just because they think it doesn't mean it will always work like they are thinking it will. Feel free to be as proactive as you're capable of. You may also want to take someone else (someone who will advocate for you) with you to your appointments to assist you in getting what you need. I'm sorry you're going through this and hope you're able to find working solutions very soon.
Yes it will get better once you are off the medication, but also try meditation to help.
Thanks guys!
Hiya tegretol is an ‘old’ drug there are more modern ones to try if it isn’t agreeing with you, good luck. Meditation is good for everyone.
I'm trying to get off the tegretol but I still feel quite angry
What i do with anger is ring up DWP,is quite therapeutic shouting at idiots(they aren't people!).
Seriously tho,come along to group i go to on Mondays(let me know,and i'll PM the details!). Is a bit secret cos of local addicts gatecrashing any group that's around.
U can stay as little as u like,is 1-3.
I think if diagnosed by a consultant you'll be the best it can be,but GP's tend to just treat MH conditions that work well with the drugs they can prescribe. But watch Lamotrogine-as i had a friend who took that and another epilepsy med(as Lamotrogine is a mood stabiliser aswell!).
Hope something works for u.