*trys to get hold of dvla to inform them of medication change via email* *gets bounce back telling me to call them* *calls them**gets a answer machine telling me they cant answer the phone so call back on monday* .. if i remember
and I told my manager before he went on leave I have been advised to take a week of sick when I get given an appointment to see my gp to let my body get use to the new medication, manager says thats fine just tell the senior staff member, tells the senior staff member, I will need tomorrow (today) off to see my gp and he will sign me off sick, senior staff member: you have tomorrow off but unless otherwise stated I will expect you in next week (despite my manager telling him I will need a week off), goes to gp, gets sick note, tells senior staff member, I need next week off as per sick note, senior staff member tells me thats fine but to wait until I get back after the bank holiday and my manager is back after the bank holiday and to give him my sick note after Ive had the time off ...... so basically the senior staff member doesnt want my sick note even though he is in charge while my manager is off...