Hi all,
My friend who is 69, collapsed a fell into the road outside his house in April 2019. He had a Traumatic Brain Injury, spent a week in ICU in a induced coma and a further 3 weeks in hospital before getting discharged to come home. He had a visit daily for 2 weeks from the discharge team who got him a shower seat, walking frame and kitchen trolley. I've got him his meds being delivered and meals on wheels mon-fri. He comes out daily to walk my dogs with me. His right ear was damaged in the fall and after going to ENT he was told he has inner ear concussion which is irrepairable but can be helped with a hearing aid. Hopefully he'll have these within the next month. He gets very tired most days which he's been told is part of the injury. I try to help him but get upset when he gets nasty with me after we've done things like gone out. He hasn't got any close family so I try to do some things as otherwise he's got no help. We had a social worker come last Friday for a care assessment but he's said he doesn't think my friend would get any care help from them. He can however, get help through a care agency to have someone take him to the shops and check he's keeping his house clean. There's been a lot of waiting and it's seemed to have taken ages to have got this far and most days I feel like there's no-one to talk too. I've read a lot of the posts on this site and found them very helpful. This is my first post and I thought it might help someone else to ask for ideas.