Has anyone had any dealings with DVLA the last 4 months? I tried to contact them back in April after my operation and then gave up. In the end I contacted my local mp which has helped but again the service is totally unacceptable and they are forever hiding behind covid. The icing on the cake is that they are going on strike. Yes you couldn't make that up lol I am trying to find out when I will be able to drive and it is so frustrating that you cannot speak to anyone.
Has anybody managed to get through to DVLA???? - Headway
Has anybody managed to get through to DVLA????

Dvla is a joke tried all numbers and eventually my employer gave me a number for medical inquiry at dvla it got through after a couple tries but works
Yeah that number given above is what I used the other day. It took a while but make sure you call at 0800 on a week day otherwise you’ll be on hold forever. I believe the strikes are over but hope they haven’t gone back on them! As I said I did manage to get though a couple of weeks ago 👍🏼 - good luck.
Hi Thanks for the reply. I did manage to get through after a couple of attempts. I nearly fell of my chair when DVLA told me that I can drive. As we all know there are so many ups and downs and will continue to be but hopefully not as many . Having my freedom back means so much especially as I live on my own. Its another step for me on the road to recovery
Awesome mate! So pleased you’ve got some freedom back. I’m in the process of re-applying so nice to hear that people in comparable situations can drive again. Best of lock.
Thanks mate . Its all about taking steps on the road to recovery and also hopefully normality. Being able to drive means so much to me. As I live on my own and even though ive had amazing family and friends to help me its still hard when you are home alone at night.Good luck with dvla.
Hi, I was discharged after head injury in December 2020 and advised not to drive. I informed the DVLA in January and they sent a medical form to fill in. I returned this in February and I still haven’t received any news regarding my license. I did get a call from them in June and they claimed due to COVID there is a delay. I was told I could continue to drive providing I had my Doctors approval, Hope you get it sorted out.
Hi thanks for the reply. Covid and strike action what else are they going to use. I did manage to get through thanks and it was good news as Im allowed to drive. Not sure if you noted the number I was given but for future use its 0300 790 6806. You have try a few times then you get put on hold. Took me 10 minutes to get through. Best news Ive had in months and absolutely buzzing and not cause of my brain op for a change lol.
My husband has had the same problems when phoning it says they are busy then they hang up, it's a joke, he sent his forms in April and hasn't heard a dickybird
Hi Thanks for the reply. Not sure if you read one of the replies but I was given a number which after a couple of attempts you actually get through. The number is 0300 790 6806. I nearly fell of my chair when I got through and even more so when they told me that I can drive. Good luck with trying to get through
Hi yeah I gave my husband the number to ring this morning, he phoned it and got the same reply saying all our advisers are busy then they hung up