PIP Update: My appeal has just been processed and... - Headway


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PIP Update

BaronC profile image
47 Replies

My appeal has just been processed and has been successful. In fact the gentleman who called said...

'I personally looked at your case and to be honest, I have no idea why the claim was even denied in the first place'.

So three months of stress and debt but all's well in the world.

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BaronC profile image
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47 Replies
Mufc profile image

I take comfort by realising the money is not given out easily. We have to prove we need it which is hard for us to accept as we know we need it but there are lots of people who try and do not. It took me a couple of years to get mine if not longer I cannot remember. But now I have no problems getting money from my trust which the money is kept in. Do you have a trust to look after your money? I am being nosy 😀

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Mufc

Yeah, she's my wife :)

19KMcG87 profile image

Glad it’s sorted, I’m really starting to fear changing over... to prove once again my difficulties which I try and hide so much!!! Glad you have your sorted :-)

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to 19KMcG87

Just be prepared to fight, but ultimately you will win the day...

Kirk5w7 profile image

Well done Andy common sense prevails xxx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Kirk5w7

Thanks, my dear!

Kathykathy profile image

Well done but should not be put through such hell as it is hell for us so whilst I'm all for not paying out on blaggers too often do the medical reports justify cases and yet still they take no notice.it took my Council 14 weeks to organise an assisted bin collection no one can give me back that time of stress on top of pips systems when every day is a struggle.nice tohear a positive result though at last.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Kathykathy

Cheers, thanks a lot. It really is a pain in the proverbial, but sadly, it's nothing new...

Elenor3 profile image

I’m pleased to hear that you’ve had your appeal upheld but why why why in the first place did they do their job so badly as to put you through all this? Is it time that a penalty was imposed on assessors who repeatedly get it wrong and cause appeals? I don’t know what the answer is. Glad you’ve survived the whole ordeal.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Elenor3

A fine idea! Personally, I'd bring back the stocks, pelt the idiots with rotting fruit

Elenor3 profile image
Elenor3 in reply to BaronC

Yes - making that part of the job description that might focus the attention of those not really up to the job before they apply? I wonder if that would be a popular petition on one of the policy changing websites ? :)

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Elenor3

I might look into it 😀

cat3 profile image

Shows what a shambles the system is when judgements differ so radically. They should be dealing with medical facts rather than opinions.

Really pleased for you though Andy............ E. xx

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to cat3

Thanks my dear. Sickens me that they put us through this crap, however...

Shon48 profile image

Excellent news 👏👏👏

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Shon48

It is indeed! Thank you

Cotton50 profile image

Very pleased that justice won the day for you. But I think it’s an appalling state of affairs when you were left to worry about money whilst this was being sorted out.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Cotton50

I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again, it's an absolute scandal

Danslatete profile image

I just got that dreaded brown envelope land on my door mat. (Loving refered to as a turd)

I'm really panicking now.

You here so many stories of loss of benefit, it scares me that I could loses mine., I depend on it!

I'm so glad that you have yours Baron. Didn't you have trouble with this before and take them to court? Or was that something else entirely?

I've not been on here for so long, but I'm off sick so much these days and the telly is really pants, so I thought it was time to re connect.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Danslatete

Hello! Yes, I had the same problem four years ago with my ESA and had to go to a court tribunal. But as with PIP, the mountain of evidence and supporting letters from specialists changed their minds....

ricozoe profile image

Glad they sorted it out for you.mines goin to tribunal.so still waiting .but its cheered me up reading that yours is sorted

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to ricozoe

You’ll win, as long as you present as much evidence as you can. Good luck!

ricozoe profile image

Thankyou.will let everyone know as soon as i get decision.

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to ricozoe

Please do!!

Annie-2 profile image

Fantastic news-well done.

Sorry, I have been a bit quiet recently, but just trying to get my head around how long legal cases go on with my accident and how awful the whole process is as well. Close to giving up-four years down the line and it was not my fault! Something needs to change with all these things!


BaronC profile image

Never give up, keep fighting!

Daveeba profile image

Well done Baron. As I said before, it's best to use the tribunal, because the assessors don't have a clue. I applied 4 times and turned down for each one. Even the judge was astonished. Dave

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Daveeba

Hi Dave, the judge at my ESA tribunal threw out the DWP’s case without even reading it. It really does beggar belief. Months of stress and debt, for what?

Daveeba profile image

Too right. With Capita I was awarded 2 points for my deafness, and nothing else even though I have epilepsy, heart disease, neuropathy, and each of them cause all sorts of problems but as I live alone I have to do everything myself or it doesn't get done and Capita sees that as I am independent enough to not need assistance. Well done Baron. Take care. Dave

swedishblue profile image

Very well done! Finally the right decision and justice prevailed!! Sorry to hear about your months of stress and debt.

This headline caught my attention today in the Independent; independent.co.uk/news/heal...

BaronC profile image

That genuinely doesn't surprise me one jot. I've heard similar stories before, even one about producing a relative's ashes to prove they weren't fit for work...

paxo05 profile image

At last they see sense. Maybe the lirtle video helped.....cheered me up no end.

Managed pipps and esa ok. Know they have decided to re assess my esa. Must have gone through to easy last time.

Glad to here your stress levels are now down


BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to paxo05

Thanks Pax! Good luck with the ESA...

paxo05 profile image
paxo05 in reply to BaronC

Thanks been waiting about 2 months for them to decide my fate.

Oh and been trting to log back into forum as I was somehow logged out ?

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to paxo05

Good luck again, but this time with the appeal and with not being logged out!

Mufc profile image

Sorry the money does not compensate the injury. Yes it helps a little to cope and adjust. I am 23 years post my injury and got a good settlement but I am still having to meet with my solicitor to discuss how to spend my money which is kept in a trust.

Hope things go well for you

Good luck


BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Mufc

23 years for myself also. Small world

HopeforTony profile image

Im going through one for my fiancé and gran, good work and good luck

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to HopeforTony

Thanks! And good luck to you too. If you need any friendly advice, just yell

HopeforTony profile image
HopeforTony in reply to BaronC

Thanks so much !! It can be hard

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to HopeforTony

Any time

spideyman profile image

3 months was quick. I was 11 months.

Initially I got zero points. I walked out the tribunal with 19

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to spideyman

I'm really not surprised, well done for winning too!

Hodder1992 profile image

Hello BaronC

We are so glad that you won your appeal.

The evil swines who have put you through hell should be sacked!!

Ben, family friend Lauren and girlfriend Hayley

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to Hodder1992

Thanks, all three of you! Yep, a few sackings wouldn't go amiss, a forlorn hope I fear.

kerr28 profile image


We're all very pleased that you won your PIP appeal!

I and Amanda's family agree 100% with Hodder1992-Ben, FF Lauren and GF Hayley about sacking the evil b*****d's who've put you through hell!!

Laura and Amanda's family

BaronC profile image
BaronC in reply to kerr28

Thanks so much, all the good wishes mean a lot to me! Sacked, pelted with rotting fruit, it's all the same to me...

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