°deep sigh°
I've been back to work for 2 days and the stress is already starting to build.
If you don't know I went on very much leave last week before I went off I got thing in order so things would be ready for when I got back because I know this week will be busy but do you think it went smoothly .... hell no.
My manager was very much aware what I had on when I come back and knows (due to me constantly reminding him but it just it's sticking added to the frustration) about my medication reduction.
So I had a very big upgrade to do yesterday (which again my manager knew about before I went on leave) but he still allow a meet that I had to attend for a big °project move° to be done half way thru the upgrade I was going so I had to stop it to do that and there was a 3rd party coming in to rack a sever that I didn't know about but had to escort and babysit them in our data centre while they racked it and my manger scanned off again stalling my upgrade (so I wannt in a happy mood for headway bristol social group last night) so I come in today to go to Swindon for 8 am I had to be in work @ 6am to pick up the van then do things in Swindon an bring it all back to bristol an the van gear slipped a I was coming off the motorway doin 50 with kit in the back lingerie van back to th office unloaded it th gear box slipped a further 3 times causing the engine to start smoking so because my manger vanished I left early and he's had to deal with the upgrade fail from yesterday (oh boo hoo if you left me alone and didn't interrupt me it would be upgraded) and there is only one person in the entire office (my managers manager who understand the fact I have brain Injury and mental illness and medication reduction) who every time my manager plays the we will dismal you for poor performance card (f#$king hello medication side effects) he has to console me and to top it all off I have wait a further FOUR months to see biru who put me on this medication and I have to find time to see my go to get more of the reduced medication and have a review and I've only been back from dawlish 4 days and I feel very lost and frustrated