Hi, I hope everyone is well this evening, had a good Christmas and will have a good new year x I’ve been getting some pains in my head, different to usual (I’ve got a lot of different pains throughout the years and learnt what should be noted or not, I think!) well this pain is more what I thought was sinusitis or a bad head cold, then I thought stress/tension build up, or perhaps just an ear infection... Shooting pains down the sides of my head, neck, mostly on the left side where my ear hurt too. It comes and goes, always there very fairly but large waves pass through occasionally. I’ve had this for 2 weeks now since the 15th dec. I feel like a hypochondriac when trying to describe this to my gp, and despite me having a shunt and coil etc I’m not followed up ever - unless I get bad head pains which means tests galore and too much time spent in hospital I guess I’m posting on here with the hope that someone has some rough answers or suggestions as to what it may be and reduce my stress a little until the new year at least! Thank you in advance xxxx
Shooting pains down the sides of my head. - Headway
Shooting pains down the sides of my head.

You know you should really get this looked at, I know you are hoping for an easy diagnosis but we aren’t qualified.
At a guess I’d say neuralgia, painful but not necessarily life threatening. But put your mind at ease and get checked out, worth it in the long run xxxx
Best wishes
Janet xxx
Thank you for your response. I’m at the doctors next Thursday, and will make a dentist appointment as soon as I can and yes I have missed an appointment recently! Pains usually result in being taken to hospital, and then a month or so of tests scans angeograms and pumped full of pain relief actually making me feel worse with the mentality!
Thank you xxxxx
It might seem strange, but see your dentist. I get pains like this - I have a problem with my bite. If your teeth aren't aligned properly you tend to bite with too much pressure on one side of your mouth. This causes pains like you describe and is easily cured with a tiny alteration to a tooth to make you bite correctly.
Having said that, I do think Janet was right and you should also get your doctor to have a look, just in case it's anything else.

Thank you, yes I know better be safe than sorry but with a young family and business it’s easy to ignore! I do have recently missed a filling appointment so yes dental has occurred to me too! Thank you for your response
Oh bless you , your post is very similar to the one I just put on . I get tingles down one side and notts tell me it's common but my stiff neck is awful ATM I'm hoping it s just that I've slept wrong xx
It’s always a hope it’s just ‘normal’ aching isn’t it! As I’m getting older, I am very much learned by how much my food and fitness affect and help my head and mood! I do hope you feel better soon. I do suspect it’s been a lot to do with stress and tension too as it does seem to be alleviating a bit so we’ll see! Thank you for your response xxx