I have just come out of hospital after another knee op had three replacements and then a revision knee replacement all on the same knee as the others did not work, still had problems so Mr Spencer Jones had me back in for another operation, he found so much inflammation around the implant and removed it and has taken a piopsy to see why I had so much inflammation.
Because I had more than one thing to talk to my doctor I made a double appointment as if you go and talk to the doctor and speak of more than one thing they tell you to rebook, so a double was necessary. I asked her about my tremor as my hands, leg and head are now shaking, also since my TBI happened my tremor is so much worse. She said “when did you have the accident so I said 2014 and she just dismissed my concerns as to the reasons why my tremor is so much worse. She said “it will just continue to get worse as you get older” (unbelievable.) NO sympathy or understanding I explained to her that I cannot cook or lift hot water and I let her see three burns which I have on my arm after trying to cook a meal last night as my husband is away for a few days. Then I spoke to her about my HRT begging her to allow me to continue taking the pill she said “NO” she said it was my age. I did explain to her that the hot flushes and night sweats were getting me down but she is adamant that I should stop taking them. She said “you could always go private” I left got into my car and cried. I am feeling so down and flustered, I am not sure what I can do? do I move doctors? Surely your doctor should be more understanding and have empathy towards their patients.
Sorry for the ramblings but feeling rather depressed and disappointed.
Again I am sorry Liz x