My neuropsychologist suggests I get refereed to see a cognitive behavioural therapist
What can I expect from CBT?
My neuropsychologist suggests I get refereed to see a cognitive behavioural therapist
What can I expect from CBT?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy essential aims to make you think and feel differently, it’s commonly used for anxiety and depression though is not limited to just those two.
I’m assuming it’s felt that it could help? Particularly if you’re struggling mental health with your brain injury?
I did get referred though this was my GP flailing around to try to deal with my low mood etc which as the CBT lot said they didn’t think there was much they could do as mine is related back to my injury. But others here have had good experiences I think?
CBT is a proactive therapy that looks forward rather than back.
Google "thoughts feelings actions" or "exposure therapy" or "EMDR" as a starting point.
Good luck.
I suppose it depends on why you ate going.
My experience was trying to deal with my rta. I suffered flash backs nightmares etc. Helped progress my memory of the event and process the information. Also used to retrain thoughts and give straegis to cope with anxiety
Go wit an open mind and good luck
I'm currently having CBT, I was referred by the doctor. I have mixed feelings about it at the moment, but am really trying with the self compassion side of it. I am 3 1/2 years down the line and struggle with fatigue, but have been beating myself up at not being able to carry on as before, so on that front I think it is helping me cut myself a bit of slack.
No need to edit. You gave good advice.
We can only give our experiences. Cbt is good but like all treatments there are limitations and no magic cures.