I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
Our paths had always had hurdles; jumps, rocky paths and curves, but, well, this one changed our lives forever and truly tested all our nerves.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
An early morning gasp, all happened in such a blur
Has become a video I can play back, while time around stands still, doesn't stir
Endless pleading, pumping chest, green uniformed angels appear to shock, inject and do their best.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
A heart so full of love and pride for our little world, stopped beating
Oxygen to vital parts had slowed
Every moment then without it would be a memory or feeling lost, untold.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
Bleeping, whirring, chest rising and falling, the mechanical rhythm of this room
People on the edge of life awaiting the universes decision, of who should meet their doom.
A box room then, nurse holding my hand, a Dr saying no hope and of decisions to be made,
The shock, the helplessness, the sharing of news and of plans that needed to be made.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
And not for one second did my love for you faulter, my vows still clear, honest, heartfelt and true
I knew that whatever happened, soul mates energy entwined, I would never really ever be without you.
Time ticked slowly on by, with music played, stories told, love declared
Wishing, pleading, don't go yet
We are too young
So many ambitions, dreams not met.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
Then, tiny movements slowly appeared
Almost imperceptible, as the time to decide a fate had neared.
A flurry of hope, tubes taken out
Brought back down to earth, recovery shrouded in doubt.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
A roller coaster year would follow, it wasn't easy, this is true
Earth angels in the guise of Drs and Nurses worked hard and tried their very best
But I knew that your recovery would all come down to you.
I can't quite believe it happened, our life changing bolt out of the blue
The steady heart beating rhythm of our world, abruptly torn in two.
A message arrives, a call, an offer of kindness, magazines, flowers, food and hugs
I will always remember them all like Polaroid snapshots, filling up my soul
Helping me and holding me in case that I should fall.
You my gorgeous family and friends played ever such an important part
Every thought, prayer and wish you sent created a vital spark
Of energy which floated then, quickly through the air
Accumulating a mass of beautiful positivity hurtling through the universe
Gathering momentum on its way
To change the energy and course of our lives, so that we are here today.
Then your braveness Paul and your beautiful, magical soul
Inspires me every day
We really didn't need our vows , we are soul mates and knew that the other would stay.
Through all the darkness and out into the light,
Our future might be different... but it will be happy, good and right.
A year has almost passed and I'm almost there at peace, with our life changing bolt out of the blue
But always be clear as you read, the part you played, we would not be here without you.
I wanted my thoughts on paper, in chaotic technicolor glory, for all the world to see
These awful, beautiful, terrifying, amazing, tragic, cosmic moments, which fuelled my being
To help Paul
Just be.