Vegetative State Coma: Hello everyone, My son is in... - Headway


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Vegetative State Coma

33 Replies

Hello everyone, My son is in a VS for the last 31 months as a result of a automobile accident. He has severe brain damage. His general health is good, however he currently has Aspiration Pneumonia caused by the g-tube feed and flushing that goes on with the medications and food. I found a drug called Amantadine from a researcher in the U.S. This has helped my son in only one respect. He is able to track movement and can follow sound by moving his head. I would like to hear from others with a family member in a similar situation...........Thanx..............A.C.

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33 Replies

There was a very interesting article in the Daily Mail yesterday about tests being done to communicate with those in vegetive states. See if you can get a copy to read.

in reply to

Hi Exhausted, I went on the Daly Mail website and found a few articles regarding VS and MRI's. I must tell you that I have read thousands of articles from newspapers, magazines, internet, etc.etc, regarding VS patients using MRIs and Ultra sound processes to communicate. We are currently waiting for a MRIs research in Canada with a Dr. Owen. Its taking time to arrange.......Thanks for responding

Fabiansdaddy profile image


My son was also diagnosed and sent home in a vegetative state after a car accident. After he opened his eyes from the induced coma there was not much he was doing but moving one hand.( 3 months in hospital)

I'm going to keep this short. My sons mother and I decided to take him off certain medications because we felt that it was not helping him but only making him worse. Mom got advice from a nurse about omega 3 and that it could potentially help. (2 months rehab and home)

Around the fourth month we noticed him tracking. I took advantage of the situation got a ball and started to me him feel it. I would then put it to his face and he started knocking it away. I would excercise his peripheral vision also and sure enough he would knock the ball away. Thank god! It was a start .

We're approaching the eighth month come September . It's still very scary and concerning because we're scared of the unknown risks. He talks now. A bit slow but he is talking and makes conversation at times. Laughs and I thank god everday.

I wanna believe that some medication helps and maybe some is needed and maybe some medication could be stopping him from doing certain things. Idk but I wish you and your son the best if he's tracking or has been tracking I believe that he has slog of potential. They counted my son out but he proved the doctors wrong.

God bless be hopeful be informed be aware and most importantly stay strong

in reply to Fabiansdaddy

Hi Fabian's daddy, I'm very happy for you. It looks like there is going to be a lot more improvement over the next while. There is no similarity between Fabian and my son. My son Bryan has severe brain damage. He has a right flab removed and it has not been replaced. Bryan went into a VS from the very start, he was in Trauma ICU for 3 months. Because of a drug called Amantadine he can turn his head to follow sound and he can track moving objects. Everything else is a reflex, no body movement whatsoever.I see you thanked God............Well he does not exist for us anymore. I truly wish Fabian and your family the very best...............A.C.

All123 profile image
All123 in reply to Fabiansdaddy

Hi please can you message me or call me please your a person I need speak to please regarding all this I really need your help


Or email me

Wittycjt profile image
Wittycjt in reply to All123

Hidden this person is trying to reach you

in reply to Wittycjt

My son is in a VS coma, actually, when your in a Vegetative State, its not really a coma..........Wittycjt, what can I help you with.

my email address is

Wittycjt profile image
Wittycjt in reply to

So sorry about the situation for your son. I also have a son and can’t even imagine what you are experiencing . My heart goes out to you💕

This person was trying to reach you, I thought it’s urgency was something to help your son and didn’t want you to miss it. Prayers be with you and your son. Is he doing any better? Cindy

in reply to All123

Hello, My original comment was, my son is in a VS

pleasehelpmyson What can I help you with?

All123 profile image
All123 in reply to

Ye wanted to know where can I get hold of this Amantadine medicine we’re in a position that looks like we’re gona be taking dad home soon just preparing for everything please do reply thank u so much x

in reply to All123

Where are you located? Amantadine is stimulant and is a drug that is used on Parkinsons patients.this drug has definately helped my son who is in a Vegetative State. He can track movement and sound, and can move his head accordingly. Its a script that i beleive is readily available everywhere. Let me know how you do

All123 profile image
All123 in reply to

Hi again am in uk I really need help getting this drug and what do I do to get it and how do you use it

in reply to All123

Amantadine was recommended to me by a Neurosurgeon in Pittsburg, USA. He told me that after just 5 days we would see a reaction. Your physician is the only person who can script Amantadine for you. I do not know your Dads exact condition. if he is on a G-tube feed, then this drug would have to be crushed, and should be administered by a Nurse or physician. All I can tell you is that this drug works. Because of Amantadine my son can track moving objects and sound, by following with his eyes as well as moving his head. Good Luck. AC.

All123 profile image
All123 in reply to

Hi there sorry for late reply but ye his getting fed by a tube and his in a position where he opens his eyes and fings but not responding or moving is there any chance I can talk to doctors here or see them privately

HopeforTony profile image
HopeforTony in reply to

I wonder if this would work for my fiancé he has been in an induced coma for 7 days, today and has an anoxic brain injury from cardiac arrest. I am looking for any and all forms of help for him.

All123 profile image
All123 in reply to Fabiansdaddy

Hi please can you message me or call me please your a person I need speak to please regarding all this I really need your help


Or email me

in reply to All123

I can be reached@

All123 profile image
All123 in reply to Fabiansdaddy

Where can I buy that medicine from and do you need prescription I’m so exhausted with dad don’t know what else I can do reading you message here gives me bit of hope


My partner was hit by a car in June 2015, and has aspiration pneumonia too because his digestive system cant cope anymore, hes currently being fed intravenously. His general health is not good at the moment and he might have to have end of life care. They say he flits between being vegetative and MCS but at the moment he is just vegetative because of his poor health. Where is your son living? xxx

in reply to

Hi Sera, My son is in a long term care Hospital. This Aspiration Pneumonia is almost through my son's system. He is fed through a G-tube, with flushing after feeds, and medications all of course liquids, this can happen. this is the first time it has happened. My son looks terrific. He doesn't even look sick. very little coughing with this Pneumonia. Remember he's been in a coma for 969 days. Your partner has an excellent chance of recovery. I wish the both of you well.

in reply to

Hello Sera, Can your partner move his body at will? Can you communicate with him?

Is he or she on a G-tube feed? Does he have a trach?

We are in Canada...............A.C. What can I help you with?

in reply to

We used to be able to communicate through very small head nods and shakes when he was more awake, but now he is in a hospice on end of life care, and wont be with us for very much longer :( x

RogerCMerriman profile image
RogerCMerriman in reply to

Sorry to hear, that can’t imagine what you have and are going though.

in reply to

I'm sorry to hear this.......He must have physical problems as well. that's so unfortunate. my son on the other hand is well physically, but he cannot communicate at all. I wish you well. A.C.- pleasehelpmyson

yemmahabou profile image

Hi pleasehelpmyson

My daughter has also been in a vegetative state for over 2 years. She is looked after at home. She is peg fed. She moves her head, looks around, blinks but does not track. I believe she can hear (?). She also looks terrific. You wouldn't even think there is anything wrong with her and yet ...

Was the amantadine prescribed by a doctor ? Do you think that's what helped your son turn his head towards sound etc ?

I massage, exercise her arms/hands, legs/feet on a daily basis, I talk/sing/read to her on a daily basis but.......

The doctors have been up on her, they don't visit, they don't come up with any suggestion or anything. It is very lonely out there !....

in reply to yemmahabou

Hi Yem,

Amantadine is a widely prescribed and well known drug for Parkinson's, Dementia, and a few other deceases.

Amantadine is a stimulant. my son can track moving objects and he can follow sound.

Amantadine has made this possible. All physicians know this medication and it has very few side effects. My son receives 200mg in the morning and 200mg. in the evening.

We seem to be forgotten. My son is in a Long Term Hospital, and even though doctors are available I find that my wife and are always pushing for processes to make my son's life better. We Person service workers 18 hours a day that maintain our son.

we are also with him every day to watch and see that he is maintained. My son's backside has no sores or bruises, and that is because of the care that he gets. He

is constantly massages and we have physio therapists that work with my son for 1 and 1/2 hours twice a week.

I'm sure being at home is limiting. We are working on a few projects for my son. I will list them but will explain more if you like.

Lazer therapy, Ultra sound to investigate communication with my son. MRI with Dr. Owen at Western University in London Ontario. this last process with Dr. Owen is taking a long to arrange.

Also there is a drug called "Zolpidem" This is a sleeping pill. How it work is that this drug affects the "GABA" in the brain and it can help, but it is a long shot.

the problem is that in Canada this med only comes in a sublingual and crushing the sublingual nullifies the med. We have been refused by the Canadian government to access this drug which trades in the US as "Ambien" a regular sleeping. We will continue to try to get the regular pill which can be crushed.

I hope I didn't write too much for you here...................A.C.

Bradybunch35 profile image
Bradybunch35 in reply to

Good morning,

What a journey you've been on. Your perseverance and love is wonderful, your son is lucky to have you.

My husband had a subarachnoid haemorrhage was in a coma and also rehab for 6 months. He was put on amantadine too it is an amazing drug. He wasn't walking,making sense, incontinent and this drug made him capable. It still took a long time he was on it for 2 years.

Mostly your son needs what you are giving him. I personally think someone has to believe in him.

Take care of yourselves too ❤️

in reply to Bradybunch35

Hello Bradybunch35,

My wife and I don't see light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak. all we are trying to do is keep our son physical well, no sores on his back side. Amantadine has help our son, and currently we are using LED light therapy and laser therapy. our son has only had 6 sessions and we will be continuing through the month of November. Take care. (pleasehelpmyson)

Jukieh profile image
Jukieh in reply to yemmahabou

Hiya sorry to hear about your daughter do you live on your own im in a vegetative state and it's horrible no body should go through this x

I have not heard back from you. where do you live? is your daughter at home or in a hospital, or a long term care facility? Did you try Amantadine? Can your daughter communicate?

yemmahabou profile image
yemmahabou in reply to

I am sorry it's taken so long to reply. I live in Cambridge and my daughter is at home with me and cannot communicate. I haven't tried Amantadine but have recently tried Zolpidem. Nothing happened !!!!!

Hello i can be reached @

Seek and yee shall find. Lots of info out there

This HealthUnlocked website is confusing for me. I'm not sure who I am responding to. Are you located in Cambridge, England or Cambridge, Ontario Canada? We cannot get Zolpidem in a pill form to crush for my son. We have been refused by the Canadian government to acquire this medication. Amantadine is available in Canada, and it definitely works. It is not a miracle drug. I can never bring my son out of his Vegetative State. My son has severe brain damage.

BUT, Amantadine definitely works. He gets 200mg in the AM and 200mg in the PM after he is fed, and he is on a G-tube feed. I have recommended Amantadine to well over 7 people and every one of them tells me that there is a noticeable difference.........for the good. more tracking with eyes and head movements. Gotta go.........bye....................ME "pleasehelpmyson"

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