Hi everyone,
My nightmare started on Sunday morning just gone, 3rd January when I received a phone call from my close family friend Johns wife saying he had collapsed at home because she had found he after she had heard crashing noises from downstairs & had been rushed to A&E. It was also touch & go, critical.
When I got to the hospital in the afternoon, I was met by his wife who took me to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) located on the 2nd floor. The sight that met my eyes wasn't pretty. He had & is still has a loads of tubes & wires coming out of him. Also he had a bandage around his head because he had to have nureosurgery to stop the bleeding from a burst vein in his brain. One of the ICU nurses told me on my own, what the tubes & wires were for, that he is & still is critically ill in a deep coma, not medically induced & that coma patients might be able to hear. On Wednesday just gone they nearly lost him because his heart stopped for 10mins, but thankfully they managed to restart it. I was there when it happened & it scared the hell out of me!
The sad thing is his wife only gave birth to twins a boy & girl on Friday just gone, 1st January.
Johns wife has been recording sounds such as peoples voices & the twins crying etc, then playing the recordings & talking to John because we all believe that he might be able to hear.
Close friends including neighbours & I, helping Johns wife look after the twins, with food shopping & paying household bills such as gas & electric etc at this difficult time.
Will keep you all posted.