Cluttered Mind: Does anyone ever feel that if they... - Headway


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Cluttered Mind

bexx87 profile image
12 Replies

Does anyone ever feel that if they have a lot on their mind or they are extremely worried about something then they cant function with life? Because that's what Im experiencing beside telling me to deal with whats worrying because that wont be dealt with until Saturday (and yes I send headway an email last sunday to get it off my chest and I called them up yesterday as I had not had a response so was freaking out thinking I was being ignored but it has been passed on and yes it is to do with going to my local HIYA) but I have tried everything within my power until then to manage it and keep it under control, does anyone have any tips and tricks beside distracting myself which again I am doing, reading, exercising, listening to music, watching tv, fb gaming, socialising ect ect because my mind feels cluttered with anxiety I feel like I am unable to function (cba with anything, lots of toilet breaks and lots of staring into space) which is causing noticeable issues in work and is concerning my managers and has made the littlest of issues like my phone breaking a lot bigger

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bexx87 profile image
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12 Replies
RogerCMerriman profile image

Sometimes yes, I'm anxious now which I never was pre. And can get fixated on things.

randomphantoms profile image

I think most of us probably do bexx.

Between the tendancy to fixate and the difficulties with emotional processing it happens.

Sending you a PM

moo196 profile image

Yep.....always was a bit like this, but now worse.

I try to keep things in a better perspective, but not always possible.

And I'm better off with having a list.

Hi bex you're not on your own with this ..dealing with new situations makes me feel very overwhelmed at times. My life is very much managed by lots of routine and repetition. The overwhelmed feeling has got better over time because I try and only deal what is within my circle of influence. However sometimes it gets to me subconsciously like when I'm asleep. For example I had an hospital appointment last week which I was attending on my own and had to go to work afterwards. I got in a right tizzy about all sorts of implications regarding the appointment and getting to work afterwards though I had everything planned.

I woke up with fatigue and was annoyed that I had got overwhelmed. As it turns out apart from being subjected to a rather loud radio in the waiting room everything was fine.

So whilst it's not nice I hope it helps a little to know that others experience it too.

Hugs to you xxx

bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to

Thank you, My anxiety has made me very sensitive this week and I am lashing out at things I normally wouldn't like forgetting my car card to book a car no biggie the world hasn't ended but im annoyed at my self and I want to ignore my entire workload but I cant I just want tomorrow to be over with (its only 2 hours) so my anxiety is back under control and my brain has songs going round in my head as my natural distraction method and im now upset to find out that a lead singer of a band I listen to growing up that I could really relate to has committed suicide

deborah27 profile image
deborah27 in reply to bexx87

hi Bexx, you highlight a really massive issue. I think it is an area that really needs a huge amount of attention. Perhaps if more of us can share this experience, the experience for some including myself who have experienced being treated as a mental health patient at General Practice level with a shocking disregard to the life-changing cause. The constant lack of informed and competent dialogue with health providers contributes to feelings of frustration, anxiety and depression. x

lcd8 profile image

Yes I have this. I constantly feel like my mind is so full that I can't take on or remember anything else. It is a classic sign of anxiety. My GP prescribed Citalopram as I had a stroke mimic last year which was put down to stress.

bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to lcd8

Im sorry to here that I am on progablin

Hi bex, you're not alone with this dilemma. Anxiety creeps up on me when I am fatigued which then causes me to feel overwhelmed. When this happens, I know it's time to rest my weary brain. Meditation works well for me. Can be just a few minutes of sitting quietly, with my eyes closed. This calms the unhelpful intrusive thoughts. As others have mentioned, it seems to be a common feature of bi. I take Effexor xr which helps. Hope your week improves.

bexx87 profile image
bexx87 in reply to

thanks yes mediation helps but I cant do it in the middle of work normally I run off to the toilet to do it :-)

in reply to

Hi Claire you're the first person I have come across who's said they feel anxiety/being overwhelmed is linked to fatigue, which is exactly how I feel. When I don't have fatigue I'm fine. I don't take anything for it generally I just think it will pass and it does but sometimes if fatigue is bad I'll take Kalms to help me sleep. Still amazes me sometimes how I can I have fatigue but can't sleep.. doesn't seem logical! Xx

Kavib profile image

Hi bexx87 , I started to see a neuropsychologist that helped me understand how to deal with a cluttered mind and he has given me tools and different ways to adapt to help me. I still get days where everything becomes to much but those times are much less now. You can be put through by NHS , check with your GP or contact the Brain and Spine Foundation helpline Tel: 0808 808 1000


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