Do I give in to tiredness as sometimes I'm so tired all I want to do is sleep and when I do I feel better
But I feel guilty feeling so tired it annoys me yawning all the time and feeling tired not sure what to do
Help please
Do I give in to tiredness as sometimes I'm so tired all I want to do is sleep and when I do I feel better
But I feel guilty feeling so tired it annoys me yawning all the time and feeling tired not sure what to do
Help please
Beppy, you are pushing yourself too hard by not taking adequate rest breaks. I found myself in the 'boom and bust' cycle of fatigue, which became very serious. My gp referred me to a fatigue management clinic (I live in the South) which was very supportive and helpful, and now I've been referred to a Neuro-psychologist to help me accept my limitations and implement coping strategies for a whole range of areas re; cognitive. You need to find a balance between activity and rest. Here's a link to fatigue I found quite useful;
Diet is another very important area;
I'm going to seriously study this area myself as I never want to be dragged back to how bad it all got!!
Thank you so much I think I don't realise how bad it was and try and pretend I'm back to normal and I'm not I've got a meeting with my boss tomm and I've had headaches all week is that normal just from worry
YES!!! You're facing fear and anxiety about the possibility of losing your job. You must explain to her about managing only 'bite size' tasks interspersed with Rest periods. Fatigue brings on headaches and so does heat exhaustion from the past month with the weather so hot.
Hi I agree with others about resting when you need to .. regards meeting your boss. I'm not the least bit surprised about the headaches ... even 2 years post stroke when I encounter 'out of the norm' situations anything outside of my usual routine it can make me very tired. I assume it's a big deal for you having this meeting. The only real advice I can give is don't allow yourself to do more than you are capable of ..there's only us who can do our recovery no-one else. Oh and good luck with the meeting xx
Sorry me again! I also recommend homeopathic remedies having taken them over the past three months; gelsium and calc 30 I found particularly good. If you can afford to splash out on a good homeopath who knows how to treat chronic fatigue as mine does. Her name is Mary Greensmith and she is based in Falmouth, and I believe she consults by phone. She was conducting a trial a while back so I signed up for it and it really did pay off!!
I struggle always. I can only try to balance doing normal world things: skateboarding to get out of my digs/ hope for social interaction, shopping, Seeing few friends. And catching up with cleaning, which is piling up. Which is my indicator imbalance / not Happy.
I turn favourite music into Fuel to try shift inactivity & negative state.
Don't feel bad, we have enough to deal with. Better rest can equal to a more content day for you & others.
Anyhow fresh coffee
P.s skateboard was an accidental "find" / tool to get me to leave my solitary confinement.
That's lovely that you have found something like skateboarding made me smile
Thanks very grateful
Beppy, I'm 5 years on from BI. I remember my consultant telling me that once I left hospital the words 'Sleeping too much' shouldn't cross my lips for many months.
He instilled the importance of quality sleep and said that people who push too hard are only slowing down the healing process, so push a little and sleep a lot whilst your brain is crying out for healing time.
Not easy when you have to work but, if work is exhausting, then maybe time to get all the concessions due to you by your employer.
I think I began to cope with less sleep around the 3 year mark, but I still have to have 9 hours per night and rest in the evenings. Love Cat x 😫
Wow mine was only November last year and I feel guilty I'm just going to sleep when needed I'm lucky because one of my jobs is home based so I can almost do it in bed as I'm an on call coordinator but seeing my boss about my other job as a dental receptionist part time but wondering if I should be kind and resign to let him find someone else as not sure when I can return to my part time role all the time
Advice please for the guilt I feel
Talk with your dental boss and tell him truthfully how you struggle with fatigue ; no holds barred.
If you offer a reluctant resignation and he accepts then the dilemma is solved for you. Otherwise, ask for a trial period with rest breaks so that you won't be stressed from taking on an unrealistic goal .
Guilt shouldn't come into it. You're not wilfully under par ; you have a demanding health condition . Concentrate on finding a work/life balance which creates minimum stress. Stress is probably the most exhausting emotion for a recovering brain.
Best wishes for to tomorrow Beppy.......xx
You've had an injury/illness which you are still recovering from. If you need to work less then your GP should be able to give you a fit note with adjustments to hours worked. Unfortunately being ill means you have to think of yourself first. If the dental job is one you need, then the fit note gives you legal protection. How your boss will cover your duties is their problem.
It sounds harsh but it's taken me 18 months post injury to sort out my employment issues, using legal help and the Equalities Act, just to get what I'm entitled to.
So long as you feel refreshed after sleep then go for it. Your body needs this time to rest and recover a well as file away the thoughts you have flowing in your mind.
Without rest you are less productive. After a bi you may seem to need more sleep and long term you may find your sleep pat tern alter.
With age they say you may need less sleep. This may be misleading as yes you sleep for shorter time but may need more periods of sleep per day.
This seems to apply after having a bi. You may sleep for a shorter time a night but find you need naps during the day. Try and build your day around these naps and treat it as part of your rehab/treatment.
After reading this poSt you may feel tired if so have a nap.
Sleep is best thing for the brain. Just follow what your body is telling you. I have never lay down to rest so much in my an old woman!!! Just be kind to yourself:o)
Hi there, I have made this point before but it is important that you eliminate central hypoventilation asap! It took them over a decade to listen to what I was describing about needing to sleep and referring me to a Respiratory Consultant who simply sent me home with an oximeter - a £40 unit that you put on your wrist with a finger stall that measures your pulse, and blood oxygen. My head injuries had damaged the part of my brain that regulates breathing and when I was not actually talking or active my blood oxygen fell and I had an overwhelming need to sleep (NOT narcolepsy). After giving up work and getting into debt and depression I changed GPs and she listened! Anyway I am now on oxygen and can stay awake though I have long term memory issues from the long-term hypoxia. Ironically expensive MRIs usually show nothing that they can understand but mega-cheap oximetry is not used! I have one of my own now brought on Amazon and it sounds an alarm if my blood oxygen falls below 85% at night. It does sometimes because my cannula has moved and sometimes because I am just not breathing enough.
I believe the two most important things in life are 1/ SLEEP 2/ FOOD.
I have had a busy weekend and I'm exhausted but took a nap this Sunday afternoon and felt better for it
I'm going back to dentist for one morning this week so see how I go I guess
Wish me luck 🎉