I did have it please see the email and scan as evidence .. my gp havent gotten back to me, the reseach haven't contacted me, I have asked someone from my local headway for advice but I am losing faith in everything right now, can I please have advice
cant find records of my MRI: I did have it please... - Headway
cant find records of my MRI

You can ask the scan department at the hospital.My hubby got his whole scans on disk for a tenner. If its paperwork you need,then ask for that
I got a DVD with my CAT scans and so on, it is very interesting to me at the time!
You should be able to ask for your records, discharge notes and so on. Which depends on the hospital etc, NHS isn't always that joined up!
This is what they have emailed me:
CRICBristol conducts research MRI for research projects for a number of organisations and therefore the MRI data belongs to the Research project KHINES we are simply the research facility that provides a MRI service. As your scan was part of the research study done at CRICBristol they would not have been uploaded to NHS system by any member of CRICBristol team and this would explain why crishelp did not have a record of your MRI scan
All scans are therefore sent to the Lead investigator of the research project. We do not archive or keep any MRI after completion of the study. Our records show that this study has completed and therefore all scans have been given to the project team. I suggest you contact a member of the research team who recruited you to the study.
I have said that I have tried to get hold of the research team but they haven't bothered replying which has left me frustrated
Oh dear! keep trying or ask your G.P to help at least you kind of have an answer.
so I have been told that my physiotherapist who knew me when I was 13 will look into giving me a copy of my mri so fingers crossed I will get a result