hi my name is kulgan also known as the donkey man as i traveled around the country with a donkey and cart for 16yrs that ended i 1994 ? i then ended up living on the streets as a tramp arfter my donkey was killed then one day i collapsed in the streets and woke up in hospital i was told i had a brain hemeridge ? since then i have had another 2 operations plus a corrected opp and i know suffer blackouts and memory loss i now live in a house and hate it its so lonely and i feel lost
lonely : hi my name is kulgan also known as the... - Headway

Hello Kulgan and welcome. It must have been SO hard for you losing your independent, travelling lifestyle. But before anyone can offer suggestions which might improve your situation, perhaps you can tell us where you're living, and also if you're able to get out and about or whether you're housebound.
Please come back with more details. As a starting point, it might be helpful for you to know that we here on Headway care about each other, and it would be a pleasure to count you as one of us.
Look forward to seeing you again soon. Best wishes, Cat x
Hi, I am sorry to hear this - do take up cat3's invitation!
We have equines and I can imagine how you miss your donkey companion. I would urge you to get a dog as they are wonderful companions and so amenable. I have three around me (I am in bed on oxygen and painkillers) - two are my son's working sheepdogs but the third is a cheeky Jack Russell x Chihuahua (neutered of course) that we rehomed for free as he was too lively for young children.
All the best
quite apart from the health, it sounds like quite a massive life change.
HI Kulgan. Brain injuries can be lonely and isolating. And obviously this is a big change in lifestyle for you too. Why not investigate whether there are some social or coffee groups in your area or at your local community centre or leisure centre? The more you get involved in things he less lonely you are likely to feel. I am really sorry about your donkey though. Animals can be a huge loss especially if they are your companion.
Hi Kulgan,
A big welcome here from me.
I hope that you are safe and sorry to read all the bad things that you have been through.
I hope that you look in on us all soon.
Best wishes
Nan x
Dear Kulgan,
You have gone through so much loss. The wandering life, with you constant donkey companion probably provided both stability and pleasing novelty. Life on the streets must have been very hard but it sounds like you had more social contact there than you do now. No matter what our troubles, helping others is the best medicine. Is there a shelter or other organization that helps people in need near you? Can you go there and offer to help in whatever simple tasks they might need done? It could be just an hour per week to start. I can see you finding satisfaction, pride and pleasant interactions doing that.
Glad you found this site. Even here on the site, I am sure you can help others by giving them moral support as they share their struggles and fears.
Best wishes as you create new connections.
Hi Kulgan,
Do you think you would be happier living with others? How about contacting Social Services and seeing if you can get into sheltered accommodation where there would be other people around?
hi cat3 thanks for your input i am living in st austell cornwall but i need to find an exchange to london or oxford so i can be closer to friends but cant get it together to sort it out but i have found most of the people i knew seem to have disapeared i have a dog and hes been with me for the last 11yrs but know hes ill and in pain and will not be with me for mutch longer hes my third dog and i will not be getting another dog i have thought about shared housing but i am used to being alone i make sandwitches and hot drinks and i go out late at night and offer a little to those who are homeless i am planning to walk from scotlands jon a groats to lands end next year to raise money for the childrens brain unit although i havent worked it out yet i will let you know how its going